Dino101 Bios

The º£½ÇÉçÇø is offering Dino 101, a high quality and rigorous massive open online course (MOOC) that teaches learners the scientific method through the universal appeal of dinosaurs.

Here's a look at the people and teams behind the course:

Phil Currie

Dr. Currie is a palaeontologist and museum curator who helped found the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology. The UAlberta professor was one of the models for palaeontologist Alan Grant in the film Jurassic Park.

Betsy Kruk

Kruk is an M.Sc. student in palaeontology at UAlberta. Originally from Chicago, she completed her undergraduate degree at Montana State University with a major in Earth Sciences and an emphasis on palaeontology.

Kevin Barrett

Barrett is the production director for the course and is the Senior Creative Design Team Lead in University Digital Strategy at UAlberta. He has experience in the gaming industry as well as leading creative development teams.

Victoria Arbour

A recent phD graduate interested in the evolution and palaeobiology of ankylosaurid dinosaurs, Arbour will be the lead instructor for the winter 2014 Dino 101 course.

Other Parts of the Team

º£½ÇÉçÇø Palaeontology Program

  • Matthew Vavrek
  • Eva Koppelhus
  • Walter Persons
  • Michael Caldwell

Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning (AICML)

The course will leverage the reputational strengths of this UAlberta department, , to evaluate and measure in association with UAlberta's .

Faculty of Science

The is a partner in this pilot project for the Massive Open Online Course.

Faculty of Arts

Filming by Grant Wang. See behind the scenes photos from shooting.

University Digital Strategy

The University's design and development teams contributed to creating the interactive pieces of the course, which included the geologic time scale, 3D fossil viewer and skeleton puzzles. Individuals included:

  • Kevin Barrett
  • Lane Olson
  • Dean Vigoren
  • Veronica Krawcewicz

Cross-campus assessment team

  • Mark Gierl - Canada Research Chair in Educational Measurement
  • Renate Taylor-Majeau - senior Alberta Education exam manager - Instructional Designer Consultant @gov.ab.ca>
  • - researcher and professor specializing in Data Mining and Machine Learning.
  • Janet Welch - Faculty of Education - Instructional Designer @ualberta.ca>
  • Erika Smith - Instructional Designer Consultant@ualberta.ca>

Full List of Acknowledgements

Executive Producers

Jennifer Chesney
Jonathan Schaeffer


Kevin Barrett


Glen Loppnow
Wesley Penner

Professor of Record

Philip Currie

Course Instructional Design

Matthew Vavrek


Victoria Arbour
Elizabeth "Betsy" Kruk
Philip Currie
Walter Scott Persons
Matthew Vavrek


Victoria Arbour
Philip Currie
Eva Koppelhus
Walter Scott Persons
Matthew Vavrek

Research Leads

Mark Gierl
Osmar Zaiane


Thodoris Argyriou
Stephanie Blais
Gavin Bradley
Michael Burns
Michael Caldwell
Michelle Campbell
Michael Carbonaro
Jasmine Croghan
Julien Divay
Mark Gierl
Kelly Grieve
Paulina Jimenez Huidobro
Juan Liu
Alessandro Palci
Mary Roberts
Tiago Simoes
Erika Smith
Renate Taylor Majeau
Angelica Torices
Janet Welch
Osmar Zaiane

Production Designers

Veronica Krawcewicz
Laila Steen


Jan Sovak
Joy Ang
Laila Steen
Scott Hartman
Veronica Krawcewicz

Videography & Editing

Grant Wang
Fernando Cienfuegos
Kevin Wang

Software Development

Mikus Lorence
Lane Olson
Cody Surgin
Dean Vigoren

Product Design

Karen Chow

Paleontology Technician

Clive Coy

Financial Administration

Nicole Bosma
Maria Skulmoski

Digital Analytics

Jason Buzzell
Kyle Kramer
Tim Schneider

Media Relations

Jamie Hanlon
Sandra Robertson

Legal and Privacy

Brian Grindey
Brad Hamdon
Tom O'Reilly
Diane Alguire
Gordie Mah
Duane Szafron

Special thanks to:

Dr. Indira Samarasekera - 12th President of the º£½ÇÉçÇø

The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta
Jurassic Forest
º£½ÇÉçÇø Paleontology Museum
º£½ÇÉçÇø Zoology Museum

Daphne Koller
Steven Syverud
Catherine Gao
Clara Ng
and the entire Coursera team

Andy Brown
Sebastian Thrun
and the entire Udacity team

Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning (AICML)

Digital Learning Pilots R&D Committee
Phil Currie Dino Lab
Arts Resource Centre
Chen Huang
Elissa Weinzimmer

No animals were harmed during the making of this course though certainly a lot of animals died for the production of this course.



Sinocalliopteryx gut contents, CC-BY licensed, from Xing L, Bell PR, Persons WS IV, Ji S, Miyashita T, Burns ME, Ji Q, Currie PJ. 2012. Abdominal contents from two large Early Cretaceous compsognathids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) demonstrate feeding on confuciusornithids and dromaeosaurids. PLOS ONE 7:e44012. **

Sinocalliopteryx life restorations by Cheung Chungtat, CC-BY licensed, from Xing L, Bell PR, Persons WS IV, Ji S, Miyashita T, Burns ME, Ji Q, Currie PJ. 2012. Abdominal contents from two large Early Cretaceous compsognathids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) demonstrate feeding on confuciusornithids and dromaeosaurids. PLOS ONE 7:e44012

Artist Title Description Link
- - The Ediacaran Fauna
- - End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction
- - Peacock courting peahen.jpg
- African Elephant walking Rise of the Mammals
- Baby turtle The Girdles of Turtles
- Cooksonia {Model} Plants Colonize the Land
- Dimetrodon Field Museum The Rise of the Synapsids
- Grypania spiralis First Multicellular Life
- Laténium-crâne-bichon First Modern Humans
- Planetary Demolition Derby The Formation of the Moon
- Stromatolites in Sharkbay Emergence of Life on Earth
- Tiktaalik Field Museum Moving out of the Waters:
- Wiwaxia Smithsonian The Cambrian Explosion
Clement Cruttwell (1743-1808) Europe "1799 Clement Cruttwell Map of Europe - Geographicus - Europe-cruttwell-1799.jpg"
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/0 Ma Present.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/0,05 Ma Pleistocene.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/0,012 Ma Holocene.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/20 Ma Miocene E moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/35 Ma Eocene L moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/50 Ma Eocene E moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/65 Ma KT Boundary moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/75 Ma Cretaceous L moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/90 Ma Cretaceous L moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/105 ma Cretaceous E moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/120 ma Cretaceous E-moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/150 ma Jurassic L-moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/170 ma Jurassic M-moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/200 ma Triassic L-moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/220 ma Triassic Lmoll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/240 ma Triassic M moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. - Mollweide PSD/260 ma Permian L moll.psd N/A - from a CD
Jan Sovak - "Triassic Dinosaurs and Pangaea" -
Jan Sovak - Early Jurassic Antarctica -
Jan Sovak - Long-necked Giants of the Morrison Formation -
Jan Sovak - Liaoning and the Feathered Dinosaurs -
Jan Sovak - English Dinosaurs and the European Archipelago -
Jan Sovak - Dinosaurs of the Sahara -
Jan Sovak - The Mongolian Connection -
Jan Sovak - A Flock of Tyrannosaurs -
Jan Sovak - Argentina in the Late Cretaceous -
Jan Sovak - Life After a Mass Death -
Johan Henrik Scheffel (1690-1781) Portrait of Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) LinnaeusWeddingPortrait.jpg
Joseph Smit (1836-1929) Ara Spixi AraSpixiSmit.jpg (Spix Macaw)
Joy Ang - Argentinosaurus, Diplodocus, Giraffatitan) -
Joy Ang - Triceratops, Giraffatitan, Coryithosaurus, Tyrannosaurus -
Joy Ang - Edmontonsaurus, Iguanodon, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus -
Joy Ang - Pachyrhinosaurus -
Joy Ang - Spinosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Stegosaurus, Anodontosaurus -
Joy Ang - non-feathered Velociraptor + feathered Velociraptor -
Joy Ang - Tyrannosaur, Triceraptops, non-feathered Velociraptor, Iguanadon, Giraffatitan -
Joy Ang - Ankylosaur [Edmontonia] + Sauropod -
Joy Ang - Edmontonsaurus -
Joy Ang - Diplodocus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, Corysaurus -
Joy Ang - Shuvuuia -
Joy Ang - Anodontosaurus, Corythosaurus, Diplodocus, Triceratops -
Joy Ang - Spinosaurus -
Joy Ang - Tyrannosaurus -
Joy Ang - Argentinosaurus, Ornithomimus, and Massospondylus -
Joy Ang - Ceratopsian, Stegosaur, Sauropod, Therapod -
Joy Ang - Tyrannosaurus -
Joy Ang - Tyrannosaurus, Argentnosaurus -
Joy Ang - Argentinosaurus -
Joy Ang - Stegasaurus -
Joy Ang - Edmontonia -
Joy Ang - Anodontosaurus -
Joy Ang - Euoplocephalus -
Joy Ang - Euoplocephalus -
Joy Ang - Feathered Velociraptor -
Joy Ang - Albertosaurus -
Joy Ang - Albertosaurus -
Joy Ang - Albertosaurus -
Joy Ang - Tyrannosaurus -
Joy Ang - Edmontosaurus -
Joy Ang - Ornithomimus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Massospondolys -
Joy Ang - Tyrannosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Spinosaurus, Albertosaurus and Daspletosaurus -
Joy Ang - Daspletosaurus and Albertosaurus -
Joy Ang - Pachycephalosaurus -
Joy Ang - Spinosaurus and Ouranosaurus -
Joy Ang - Giraffatitan, Tyrannosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Oranosaurus, Spinosaurus -
Joy Ang - Protoceratops -
Joy Ang - Giraffatitan, Tyrannosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Oranosaurus, Spinosaurus -
Joy Ang - Pachycephalosaurus, Triceratops, Corythosaurus.psd -
Joy Ang - Anchiornis, Archaeopteryx, and Sapeornis -
Joy Ang - Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, Velociraptor (feathered) and Argentinosaurus. -
Joy Ang - Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, and Giraffatitan. -
Joy Ang (dinosaurs), Veronica Krawcewicz (Saurischian hip & Ornithischian hip), Lane Olson (trees) - Phylogenetic tree: Argentiosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Corythosaurus, Triceratops, Pacycephalosaurus, Anodontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Stegoceras, Saurschian hip, Ornithischian hip, Tree illustration -
Joy Ang (dinosaurs), Veronica Krawcewicz (Saurischian hip & Ornithischian hip), Lane Olson (trees) - Phylogenetic tree: Argentiosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Corythosaurus, Triceratops, Pacycephalosaurus, Anodontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Stegoceras, Saurschian hip, Ornithischian hip, Tree illustration + Spinosaurus, Ouranosaurus -
Joy Ang (dinosaurs), Veronica Krawcewicz (Saurischian hip & Ornithischian hip), Lane Olson (trees) - Phylogenetic tree: Argentiosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Corythosaurus, Triceratops, Pacycephalosaurus, Anodontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Stegoceras, Saurschian hip, Ornithischian hip, Tree illustration + Saperornis, Archiornis and Archaeopteryx -
Laila Steen - bird skeleton -
Laila Steen - giraffe, elephant, blue whale -
Laila Steen - cow, dog, chicken -
Laila Steen - face with eyes, backbone, heart, lobster claws -
Laila Steen - octopus, shark, human, snake -
Laila Steen - dino skull with features
Laila Steen - Human arm bones + Tyranosaurus arm bones -
Laila Steen - dinos… (four colored versions of Sinosauropteryx: green with white spots, black with red-tipped wings, rufous and white stripes, brown with blue highlights) -
Laila Steen - dinos… (four colored versions of Sinosauropteryx: green with white spots, black with red-tipped wings, rufous and white stripes, brown with blue highlights) -
Laila Steen - old movie dinosaur drawing -
Laila Steen - cat, lizard -
Laila Steen - cat, lizard -
Laila Steen - elephant, cheetah -
Laila Steen - human -
Laila Steen - kangaroo -
Laila Steen - 2 Tyrannosaurus (1 standing vertical, 1 parallel to ground) -
Laila Steen - Sauropod inchnofossil -
Laila Steen - Scott Parson's outline and swimming therapod footprints -
Laila Steen - Edmontosaurus humerus -
Laila Steen - mouse -
Laila Steen - tail animation
Laila Steen - mouse, tomato plant, flower, elephant -
Laila Steen - DaVinci man -
Laila Steen - Newspapers/journals -
Laila Steen - Drawing of three different dog breeds. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of 3 sauropods -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a herd of dinosaurs -
Laila Steen - Diagram -
Laila Steen - Diagram -
Laila Steen - Old idea and new idea diagram -
Laila Steen - Sinosauropteryx -
Laila Steen - earth, man with briefcase, multicellular form -
Laila Steen - mammal + dino (elephant + tyrannosaurus) -
Laila Steen - clock showing 5min to 12 -
Laila Steen - city scape from the modern era -
Laila Steen - Rock layers animation -
Laila Steen - Stratigraphic column -
Laila Steen - A drawing of the African and South American coastlines. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. -
Laila Steen - Diagram of layers of earth, showing crust, mantle, outer core, inner core. -
Laila Steen - Small drawing of world map with 4 flags for 4 cities. Drawing of 4 cities: San Francisco, USA. Santiago, Chile. Chicago, USA. Moscow, Russia. -
Laila Steen - Reuse drawings of Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building -
Laila Steen - Drawing of the Americas and Africa, separated by the Atlantic Ocean. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of Antarctica. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of marine fossils. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of an island. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a lake and a city by the lake. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of dinosaurs on a coastline. -
Laila Steen - Extinction pylogeny -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a Dodo bird. -
Laila Steen - Extinction graph -
Laila Steen - Drawing of an Ammonitie, Champsosaur, Mosasaur and Multituberculate mammal. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of the earth. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a dead dinosaur, like Jan Sovak's painting for this module. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a map of the earth with four locations called out: deep ocean, himalayas, Iceland and Mexico. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a crater. -
Laila Steen - Drawings of a dinosaur, bird, mammal and crocodile. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a dinosaur and a DNA strand. -
Laila Steen - Drawing of a dinosaur and a DNA strand. -
Laila Steen Drawing of Dimetrodon, Mammoth, Smilodon, Trilobites -
Laila Steen Drawings of antlers, fingers, feathers and a limb. -
Laila Steen Fighting Dino Composition (fossil)
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (artistic treatment of background/environment and bones), Veronica Krawcewicz (artistic treatment of bones) - Edmontosaurus vertebra, Coyote skull, Gorgosaurus skull, Caenagnathus claw, Gorgosaurus hand claw, Ornithomimid hand claw, Ornithomimid toe claw, Ceratopsian nasal horn, Colepiocephale skull, Edmontonia skull, Hadrosaur jaw, Hadrosaur tooth, Centrosaurus jaw, Tyrannosaur tooth, Troodon tooth, Dromaeosaur toe, Ankylosaur tooth, Euoplocephalus skull, Dyoplosaurus tail club, Stegoceras skull, Sea Turtle skull, Champsosaurus skull, Hesperonychus pelvis -
Laila Steen (background/environment), Veronica Krawcewicz (skeleton/bones), - Parasaurolophus -
Michael Burns - Dinosaur histological thin section -
Phil Currie - Dry Island fossils -
Phil Currie - _Pinacosaurus at Bayan Mandahu -
Phil Currie - Dinosaur trackways photo -
Philip Currie - Dry Island fossils -
Scott Hartman - Skulls: Lambeosaurus, Corythosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Tyrannosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Edmontosaurus, and Triceratops skulls -
Scott Hartman - Skulls: Lambeosaurus, Corythosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Tyrannosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Edmontosaurus, and Triceratops -
Scott Hartman - Skulls: Protoceratops, LiaoceratopsTriceratops, Centrosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Styracosaurus -
Scott Hartman - Skulls: Styracosaurus, Centrosaurus, Coronosaurus -
Scott Hartman (skulls), Stratigraphic column (Laila Steen) - Stratigraphic column, Styracosaurus skull, Centrosaurus skull, Coronosaurus skull
Sydney Mohr Hesperonychus elizabethae Hesperonychus (hesperonychuselizabethae_by_wanderingalbatross-d475zoa.jpg)
Veronica Krawcewicz - fern, fish, ant, dino -
Veronica Krawcewicz - horse skull, lion skull -
Veronica Krawcewicz - velociraptor skeletal foot, long legs, short tail, velociraptor head -
Veronica Krawcewicz - long snout, long legs, wing, short arms -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Baby hadrosaur - based off of Jan's painting -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Mother and baby hadrosaur - based off of Jan's painting -
Veronica Krawcewicz - buffalo, caribou, umbrella bird -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Dinosaur Provincial Park -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Spinosaurus in a body of water by a rocky beach and a mountain -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Tyrannosaurus eating a dead Corythosaurus -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Paleontologist excavating at Dinosaur Provincial Park -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Edmontonsaurus femur, cervical vertebrae, caudal vertebrae, tooth -
Veronica Krawcewicz - female human, small bird, torso of male human, bat, fish, whale -
Veronica Krawcewicz - detailed small bird -
Veronica Krawcewicz - detailed small bird -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Provinvial Park -
Veronica Krawcewicz - Provinvial Park dwg -
Veronica Krawcewicz - dimetrodon, sauropod, tiktaalik, mammoth -
Veronica Krawcewicz - detailed dimetrodon -
Veronica Krawcewicz - diapsid skull -
Veronica Krawcewicz - archosauromorph skull, lepidosauromorph skull -
Veronica Krawcewicz - diapsid skull -
Veronica Krawcewicz - late permian extinction -
Veronica Krawcewicz - archosauromorph (Ornithosuchus) -
Veronica Krawcewicz - early dinosaurs hunting a mouse-like creature -
Veronica Krawcewicz - dead aetosaur -
Veronica Krawcewicz (landscape), Laila Steen (dino's) - Landscape with dead dinos -
Veronica Krawcewicz (skeleton/bones), Laila Steen (background/environment), - Tyrannosaurus Rex -
Veronica Krawcewicz, Joy Ang (dino) - pear, turtle, termite, fish, Shuvuuia -
Victoria Arbour - Dry Island bonebed photo -
Victoria Arbour - _Pinacosaurus skeletons -
Victoria Arbour - Stegoceras finite element analysis image -
Victoria Arbour - Stegoceras animation -
Victoria Arbour - Ankylosaur pelvis muscles -
Victoria Arbour - Tail club range of motion diagram -
Victoria Arbour - Tail club finite element analysis image -
Victoria Arbour - MOTH fossils photo
Victoria Arbour - Mosasaur skull photo
Victoria Arbour - Tail club animation -
Victoria Arbour - Dry Island Bonebed -
Victoria Arbour T. rex coprolite photo by Victoria Arbour and used with permission from the Royal Saskatchewan Museum -

CT Scanning

Funding for CT scanning and digital model creation was provided by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Dinosaur Research Institute, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the º£½ÇÉçÇø - University Digital Strategy.

CT scanning of large specimens was facilitated by Gail Schaffler (º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospital), Shauna Cameron (Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures), Canada Diagnostic Centres (Calgary).

Many thanks to Scott Persons and Angelica Torices for assistance transporting and scanning specimens for Dino101 in May 2013.

MicroCT scanning of small specimens was performed by Victoria Arbour and Michael Burns using Dr. Alison Murray's SkyScan microCT scanner.

UALVP 33928 (Champsosaurus lindoei skull) was digitized using a MicroScribe digitizing arm by Michael James. UALVP 48778 (Hesperonychus elizabethae pelvis) was laser scanned at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and is provided courtesy of Frank Hadfield of Palcoprep.

All 3D models were created using Rhinoceros, Mimics, and Geomagic Studio by Victoria Arbour specifically for Dino101.