Let's connect
Although communication can seem like an overused and ambiguous word - alongside nice, very and totally - it's actually important. We communicate to express our feelings, wants, needs and opinions, and to teach, develop relationships and share information.
Every day we communicate with each other. A passing smile, a honk in traffic, clicking the heart on a social media photo…these actions mean something. We are constantly processing how we give and receive communications, and humans aren't the only ones. Dogs wag their tails, squid change their colour and pattern, and demon African mole rats bang their heads on tunnels (thank you National Geographic for that random fact).
Here in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences (ALES), we aren't as unique as a bioluminescent squid or a mole rat that uses an inner Metallica soundtrack and seismic waves to let others know, "back off, this is my dirt tunnel," but we do want to connect with you. We want to get you thinking, talking and acting.
We want to tell stories that highlight our academic excellence, world-changing research and exceptional student experiences. We do this through at a variety of communications vehicles beyond our website, including Twitter, Instagram, folio, external media, departmental annual reports and newsletters, events and lectures, blogs, emails and good old face-to-face conversations.
If you have ALES-related stories or photos to share, comments or questions, or if you're looking for information about our incredible research and people, email us at or fill out our .
Meanwhile, sniff around the ALES website and check out the relevant and important research going on in the faculty, where we are committed to helping feed the world, ensuring a healthy environment, strengthening individual and community well-being and nurturing bio-resource innovation.