Alumni to Alumni Career Mentoring
Changes are coming!
Career Conversations
Learn from other's career stories
Career Conversations connects students and alumni (participants) with professionals working in a variety of areas (hosts) to learn about their career stories. Students and alums can select a host to conduct a career informational interview with. Through this short, virtual conversation (0.5-1 hour) participants can ask career-related questions to learn from the host’s professional experience.
More information on how to partake in Career Conversations
As a Participant
Sign on the CampusBRIDGE to access Career Conversations and browse the bios of Alumni who are willing to have a conversation with you about their area of expertise.
To Volunteer as Host
If you are willing to share your career expertise with students and alumni through a career conversation, please sign up on campusBRIDGE using the Employers and partners tab at the top.
This program is a collaboration between Alumni Career Services and the Career Centre on campus.