海角社区 Alumni Association Charter
The Alumni Association is recognized by the Board of Governors of the 海角社区 as representing all graduates of the 海角社区 (the "University"). The Alumni Association holds a unique place within the University, with the role of engaging more than a quarter of a million alumni for the benefit of the University. The Alumni Association is led by an advisory council herein referred to as Alumni Council, with terms of reference informing its membership, structure and operations.
Our Alumni Community
We are “creative, collaborative and confident global citizens” making our mark on the world and the university. We are “change makers, community builders, and world shapers” (Shape: A Strategic Plan of Impact, pg 8).
The Alumni Association builds a supportive and proud community of graduates through programs that celebrate alumni, promote volunteerism, advocacy and giving, and provide lifelong learning opportunities.
Our Values
We are guided by our core values as we engage with and involve more than 310,000 alumni worldwide:
- Belonging - creating accessible and welcoming spaces; celebrating our diverse alumni community, including those who have been excluded in the past or present.
- Truth and understanding - repudiating systemic racism; continuing to build respectful relationships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit alumni and community members; and promoting decolonization* education.
- Community - nurturing a supportive network of graduates to connect with the university, our communities and each other.
- Service - giving generously of time, expertise and financial support to help students, our alumni community and the university.
- Innovation - embracing a spirit of creativity while creating high-impact, responsive and relevant programs and services.
- Leadership - leading with purpose as ambassadors and catalysts of sustainable and innovative solutions that benefit alumni, the university and communities.
- Lifelong learning - embracing the positive impacts of research and teaching, exploring different viewpoints, sharing evidence-based information, encouraging curiosity and the desire to learn and grow.
*Decolonization is defined as a guiding value and principle in Braiding Past, Present and Future: 海角社区 Indigenous Strategic Plan as: “repudiating the racist justifications and dismantling the colonial structures aimed at disenfranchising Indigenous Peoples of their legal, social, cultural, religious and ethnic rights; reclaiming Indigenous identity, language, culture and worldviews” (page 14).
The Alumni Association has a formal point of connection to the President of the University, who ultimately approves of alumni relations strategy. Alumni Council, works directly with the Office of Alumni Relations, or its successor, in the External Relations portfolio to execute upon alumni relations priorities.
Alumni Council consults with the Office of Alumni Relations to create a strategic plan for alumni relations for the University. This strategic plan will inform the budget accorded to alumni relations activities, the benefits offered to alumni through affinity partnerships and the communications strategies utilized to connect with alumni.
Because the Alumni Association is part of the University, all legal arrangements and agreements on behalf of and for the benefit of University alumni are entered into by and in the name of the University.
- Alumni Council will work as an active participant with the Office of Alumni Relations to create an alumni relations strategic plan for the University and its alumni.
- Alumni Council is engaged as a major stakeholder in the University alumni relations budget process. Alumni Council acts as an active participant in the creation of the budget accorded to Alumni Relations activities by contributing advice through the strategic plan. Final Alumni Relations budget decisions are made by the University.
- The University commits to consulting with Alumni Council with respect to affinity partnership agreements that benefit all alumni. Alumni Council will provide input into affinity partnership agreements to ensure alignment with the Alumni Association's mission, vision, promise and values.
- Legal agreements with affinity partners are the responsibility of the University and as such the University shall have final authority over all agreements. Revenue derived from affinity agreements will be allocated in accordance with the terms of the legal agreements including, where appropriate, allocation to support alumni relations projects. Budgets reflecting the use of revenue derived from affinity partnerships will be communicated to Alumni Council. Surpluses accrued to these budgets will follow University policy and, as appropriate, will be used to contribute to alumni relations projects reflecting the mission, vision, promise and values of the Alumni Association.
- Alumni Council will communicate with the alumni community in a variety of ways through the Office of Alumni Relations, with the ability to promote alumni relations programs and services, conduct surveys and deliver messages to members of the Alumni Association, all to foster long-term connection to the University. The personal information of alumni will be managed by the Office of Alumni Relations.
- The 海角社区 agrees that any official marks registered by the University for the benefit of, and pertaining to, the Alumni Association, including without limitation official mark registration number 922651, shall be used for the benefit of the Alumni Association and shall not be otherwise used by the University without first consulting with Alumni Council.
- Alumni Council will appoint two members to the New Trail Advisory Committee with the mandate of making recommendations to the direction of New Trail Magazine, the university's primary communications vehicle with alumni. A message to alumni from The President of the Alumni Association and/or the Executive Director, Alumni Relations will be included in each edition of New Trail Magazine distributed to alumni.
- Alumni Council will work as an active participant with the Office of Alumni Relations to build the brand, image and reputation of the Alumni Association and the University, providing strategic programming recommendations to enhance the emotional connection of our alumni to the University and to encourage active engagement with the University.
- Alumni Council expresses opinions on behalf of alumni and endeavours to protect and extend the mission, vision, promise and values of the Alumni Association and the University.
- Alumni Association chapters will enjoy a similar relationship with the University. Alumni Association chapters have the ability to create Alumni Relations programs and initiatives that best engage the specific cohorts of alumni they represent. Chapters are funded by specific initiatives, which may be suggested by either chapter representatives or University staff. Final decisions regarding these University funds will be made by the appropriate University employee, after consultation with alumni chapter personnel. These funds, as appropriate, will be allocated to contribute to Alumni Relations activities reflecting the priorities of the chapter. Alumni Chapters will have the right to recruit and appoint members to their chapter executive boards. Alumni Council will work with the Office of Alumni Relations to facilitate relationships with Alumni Association regional, faculty and campus chapters.
- Alumni Council recruits and appoints all members to Alumni Council, and nominates current members to leadership positions as defined in the Alumni Association terms of reference.
- Alumni Council will take an active and supportive role in encouraging a culture of philanthropy among alumni. Alumni Council will be updated on fundraising achievement and strategy annually by the VP, External Relations. Should the Alumni Association or its chapters identify a priority project that requires fundraising, it will work with University External Relations to determine its feasibility. All projects must be decided upon by University External Relations with strategies led by University External Relations.
- The President of the Alumni Association will have a clear connection directly to the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University in all cases when communication is required. The President of the University will be the honorary President of the Alumni Association and as such will be provided with membership on Alumni Council. The President of the University will be invited to address Alumni Council annually. Alumni Council will report their progress to the President of the University on an annual basis.
- The Executive Director, Alumni Relations leads the Office of Alumni Relations, within the portfolio of External Relations at the 海角社区. This role will be the direct day to day working connection with the Alumni Association and will work closely with the President of the Alumni Association and all members of Alumni Council. Alumni Council will be represented on the Advisory Selection Committee for the selection of the Vice-President (External Relations).