VIDEO | CCR Fitness Instructor's 10-step Home Workout!

Chelsea Coghill, one of Campus & Community Recreation's Fitness program instructors, shares a 10-step workout routine we can do at home!

Here's the Workout

  1. 100 Air Squats (or Jump Squats)
  2. 90 Sit-Ups
  3. 80 Alternating Lunges
  4. 70 Burpees
  5. 60 Second Front Plank
  6. 50 Air Squats
  7. 40 Second Wall Sit
  8. 30 Reverse Sit-Ups
  9. 20 Inch Worms
  10. 10 Pike Push-ups
Warm-up for 5-15 minutes with larger body movements. Scale as needed: reduce the number of reps or time by half and do the sequence twice or just once. Take breaks when and if you need to. Your workout, your experience. Have fun and let us know how you did!

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