VIDEO | Posture, Neck & Shoulders - with CCR Fitness Instructor Chelsea Coghill!

Posture, Neck & Shoulders - with CCR Fitness Instructor Chelsea Coghill!

Posture, Neck & Shoulders - with CCR Fitness Instructor Chelsea Coghill!


  1. Sitting posture:
    a. Sit away from the back of a chair on a cushion so that the pelvis is tilted forward and knees are below the hips.
    b. Tack spine: rib cage above pelvis and head over the spine.
    c. Roll shoulders back and tilt chin down slightly.
    d. Gently engage the core and upper back to maintain a tall posture.

  2. Neck stretch:
    a. Gently drop one ear down to the shoulder, with opposite palm face up externally rotate the shoulder.
    b. Gently roll chin to collarbone then back to the ear.
    c. Spend 1-2 minutes on each side.

  3. 3. Supported backbend:
    a. Use a yoga block, bolster, rolled yoga mat, or blanket/towel. A foam roller can work but place the roller vertically along the length of the spine instead.
    b. Place the prop directly under the midline of the chest in contact with the shoulder blades.
    c. Keep knees bent with feet on the ground to protect the low back.
    d. Arms can be out in a “T” shape, elbows can be bent, arms can be overhead. You can also make “snow angels.”
    e. Spend 1-3 minutes or longer as long as you are not experiencing discomfort.
    f. To come out, gently roll off of the block to one side and rest flat on your back for a few breaths.

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