Students can start their practicums during their final year of their education program. Generally, Stage 1 occurs in the Fall session and Stage 2 occurs in the Winter session.
Yes, a police check is mandatory for working in all school divisions in all provinces. It must be dated within 6 months of starting a practicum. It is important to request the vulnerable sector police check, as this allows University students to work with students under the age of 18 years old.
Please allow sufficient time to obtain a police check.
No police check (with vulnerable sector check) = no practicum
Prior to working in a school as a teacher or to be placed on a supply teacher list, the school division will request a letter from Dean of Faculté Saint-Jean, confirming that you completed your Bachelor of Education.
In order to obtain this letter, you will need to provide the following to the Bureau de Admissions :
- A copy of the job offer from the school division
- Proof of application for teacher certification in the province of Alberta ()
Upon receipt of these two documents, personnel from the Bureau de Admissions will do a check on your student dossier, to ensure that all program requirements have been fulfilled and that final evaluation documents have been received by the Office of Field Experiences. The letter from the Dean will then be provided to the student.
A graduate from the program is allowed to teach for a period of 90 days, as long as they are in possession of these three documents.
During the Stage 2 practicum, Field Experience personnel will communicate the process for obtaining a Letter from the Dean. Please do not contact the Dean directly.