ULEC News - Webinar about High School Student Exchanges and School Twinnings

2 July 2024


On June 8 2024, ULEC hosted a webinar about High School Student Exchanges and School Twinnings, focusing on how the exchange came about, experiences of participants and the value of such educational partnerships in Canada and Ukraine.

The goals of the webinar were to:

  • learn about a high school student exchange project from Alberta and school twinnings that can open new doors for educational growth and cultural exchange;
  • connect with educators who are passionate about fostering international educational partnerships; and
  • gain valuable insights and practical advice on how to successfully implement and benefit from these programs.



During the event, the following speakers shared their experiences and insights according to their roles in the high school exchange program and school twinning:

  • Yuriy Dzala, Principal in Lviv, Ukraine, discussed the organizational aspects and benefits of the exchange from a school leadership perspective.
  • Luba Eshenko, a Canadian teacher, shared her experiences and the positive impact these exchanges have on both Canadian and Ukrainian students.
  • Olena Hartsula, a liaison in Ukraine at the time of the exchanges, highlighted the coordination and the importance of cultural understanding in facilitating these exchanges.
  • Melody Kostiuk, a parent and program leader, offered insights into the parental and organizational perspective.
  • Natalia Kostiuk, a student participant in the exchange (and now a teacher in the Ukrainian Bilingual Program), shared her firsthand experiences and the profound impact the exchange had on her educational journey and personal development.


Image above: Screenshot from the June 8 2024 webinar, held over Zoom.


The webinar facilitated a lively discussion, revealing its multifaceted benefits for participants in both Canada and Ukraine. Attendees learned about the history of the exchange programs, the organizational efforts behind Canada-Ukraine educational projects, the significance of personal relationships in developing long-term international projects, and the positive impacts of exchange programs on the educational environments of both countries. This event opened up new opportunities for further cooperation in education between Canada and Ukraine, contributing to the strengthening of educational networks in both countries.

For those who could not attend, we welcome you to .