Accommodations Based on Medical Protected Grounds
Students who wish to request accommodations based on physical or mental disability protected grounds (i.e., medical conditions) must complete the Application for Accommodations Based on Medical Protected Grounds. We recommend that students review the Application for Accommodations Based on Medical Protected Grounds process carefully in advance in order to prepare for and complete the application process successfully.
If you have questions or require assistance, please email preparation, review the criteria for required documentation and, if needed, download the º£½ÇÉçÇø Verification of Disability form.
If you already possess supporting documentation, confirm that your documentation meets the documentation requirements. If you do not have documentation or need updated documentation, contact the appropriate specialist(s) to request documentation.
- In some instances, it can take time to complete medical diagnostic processes and receive medical documentation. If you experience delays in obtaining your documentation, interim accommodations may be available in limited circumstances.
- If required, convert your documents to PDFs before you complete the application form. Title your PDFs in the following format: last name_first initial_yyyymmdd (e.g., Smith_J_20220125); and, use the date on which the documentation was completed (as listed on the documentation) in the file name.
- Remember to retain copies of your original medical documentation for your records.
To complete your Application for Accommodations Based on Medical Protected Grounds,
- locate your º£½ÇÉçÇø Campus Computing ID (CCID) and Student Number.
- locate the PDF versions of your medical documentation.
- log into your º£½ÇÉçÇø email before selecting the application hyperlink below.
- plan to spend about 25-30 minutes completing the form.
- provide comprehensive, detailed responses in order that we can fully understand your circumstances and better assist you.
If you are an admitted student who has not yet begun classes, please email us at to request access to the Application for Accommodations Based on Medical Protected Grounds.
PLEASE NOTE: You are not approved for accommodations until you receive email notification of accommodation approval via your º£½ÇÉçÇø email account.
At this meeting, the advisor will:
- discuss and approve your accommodations.
- provide information about your accommodation service providers (if applicable).
- review your responsibilities.
- discuss how to access our online tools and resources for students.
- discuss when you should contact an advisor for assistance.
- review the online accommodation tools and information.
- answer any questions you have about your accommodations.
If your approved accommodations include adaptive technologies, alternate formats, CART/real-time transcribing, sign language interpretation, or other specialist services, you must book appointments to meet with service providers in order to finalize accommodation details, complete training, and/or arrange other accommodation details.
Email to book your appointment.
At the beginning of each academic term or course block, you must activate your accommodations in the Online Student Portal, generate Letters of Accommodation for your instructors, schedule exam accommodations, and request other accommodation-related services.
PLEASE NOTE: If you enroll in additional courses or change course sections after activating your accommodations, you must also activate your accommodations for each new course or course section added to your schedule.Contact your advisor
- as soon as you have questions or encounter problems.
- if the functional impacts of your disability(ies) or medical condition(s) on your learning change.
- in advance of significant changes to your academic activities that will impact your accommodations, including experiential learning placements (e.g., co-op placements, internships, education or clinical practica, field placements, community service-learning placements).