Learning Strategies

People writing with coloured pens at a table

We can help you take your learning skills to a new level. Our Learning Specialists can show you how to understand intricate concepts and retain vast amounts of information. We can help with questions related to motivation, time management, study skills, memory, test-taking, note-taking, and reading comprehension, among others.


We offer a variety of workshops designed to help you improve your learning and communication skills, supporting you in your academic journey.

One-on-One Support

Do you need more help than what we provide in our group workshops? Access individual sessions from a professional Learning Specialist to maximize your academic skills and outcomes.

New Service

Learning Strategies Drop-in Services

Why Drop in services?

Would you like to discuss efficient learning strategies such as studying,  note-taking, reading, exam strategies, or time management with a  Learning Specialist without needing to book an appointment? Access our  schedule of Learning Strategies Drop-in Services in either group or  individual settings.

Library Group Drop-in Service

Study with us! Join our group drop-ins and apply efficient strategies with a  Learning Specialist while you are completing your academic work without  needing to book an appointment.

  • Tuesdays: 1:00 - 2:50 PM Rutherford Library North 2-116
  • Wednesdays: 1:00 - 2:50 PM Cameron Library 4-02
  • Thursdays AM: 10:00 - 11:50 AM Cameron Library 4-02
  • Thursdays PM: 1:00 - 2:50 pm Sperber Library - Teaching and Learning Lab room 1-134
  • Fridays AM: 10:00 - 11:50 AM Rutherford Library North 2-116
  • Fridays PM: 1:00 - 2:50 PM Weir Law Library 342E

Virtual Office Drop-in Service

Ask a question! The virtual in-office drop-ins provide a private space to ask a quick question (max. 15 min.) about studying or to learn more about what Learning Specialists do and get recommendations for what types of learning strategies support might be a good fit for you without needing to book an appointment.


  • 10:00—11:45 am Virtual Office Drop-in through Zoom
  • 1:00 – 2:45 pm Virtual Office Drop-in through Zoom

Please Note:
Drop-in services begin the week of January 13th and end the week of April 18th. There are no drop-in services from February 17-21st for Reading Week.

TALK Disabilities on Campus

TALK Disabilities on Campus is a four-module series designed to assist students in talking about their disabilities within the º£½ÇÉçÇø Community.

The first two modules are asynchronous for students to explore independently. The third and fourth modules are synchronous to help with reflective learning and provide the opportunity to ask questions. The modules are designed to be completed in order so that you can build on your knowledge in manageable chunks.

How We Can Help

We can help any º£½ÇÉçÇø student, whether you are a first-year undergraduate or a senior doctoral candidate. We offer Free individual appointments and group workshops. You can access our services either remotely or in person.

Time Management + Scheduling

Learn how to make and keep effective weekly study habits and life schedules. Learn how to focus through distractions, motivate yourself, and catch up to and keep up with university life and course expectations.

Studying, Note-Taking, Exam Preparation + Memory Strategies

We will teach you how to prioritize and plan, read and study. Learn effective study strategies and retrieval practices in our exam strategies workshops.

Communication + Presentation Skills

How should you approach your professor or supervisor? How do you communicate with peers in a group project? How do you engage your audience while presenting ? Our group workshops will teach you all the skills you need to apply directly to your academic life.


Need access to Learning Strategies, no booking or appointment required? Check out our library group drop-in services and our individual in-office mini drop-ins.

Questions? Contact Us

If you’re not sure where to start or have questions, reach out to the Learning Strategies team. We’re here to help.

Location: Cameron Library B-31
º£½ÇÉçÇø, North Campus

Email: success@ualberta.ca
Phone: 780-492-1494

Contact a specific person

Additional Support

First Peoples' House

First Peoples' House is a community-based student service centre for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, and can offer specialized supports and advising. Learn more about First Peoples' House support »

Fresh Start Program

The Fresh Start Program provides eligible students, who have been Required to Withdraw, the opportunity to regain eligibility for admission to a faculty by developing the skills to succeed at university while completing a limited number of credit courses. Learn more about Fresh Start »

Football Study Hall

The Football Study Hall helps first-year football players with their unique academic challenges so they can succeed at university — both on and off the field. Interested players can contact ascfb@ualberta.ca for more information.

Online Learning Resources

The Academic Success Centre team has put together some resources to assist you with distance learning. Access resources for online learning »