Internships + Practica

Counselling & Clinical Services (CCS) has a strong commitment to training and supervising counselling psychology graduate students.

Doctoral Counselling Psychology Residency Program

CCS offers three full time doctoral residency positions in counselling psychology each year (August 1 - July 30). Our program is and is designed to meet standards for registration as defined by the College of Alberta Psychologists. 

Doctoral level graduate students currently registered in a CPA- or APA-accredited counselling or clinical psychology program can apply if they have completed or expect to complete all of their required coursework and practicums (minimum 600 hours of experience) by the start date of the residency. As well, completion of their candidacy examination is required before the application deadline. Applicants who can show their program is CPA-equivalent may also be considered.

Applicants are advised to download and familiarize themselves with the Doctoral Residency Program Brochure.

CCS participates in the APPIC Match through National Matching Services (Code 183611).

All applicants must complete the APPIC Application for Psychology Internship (AAPI), and include the following documents:

  1. Letter of intent stating reasons why this is a mutually good fit,
  2. Current curriculum vitae,
  3. Official graduate transcripts,
  4. Minimum of three letters of recommendation, utilizing the standardized APPIC reference form, and
  5. Letter from the Director of Clinical Training stating that the student has completed candidacy, the necessary qualifications, and is ready for a residency.

The Doctoral Counselling Psychology Residency program at CCS is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association:

Canadian Psychological Association
Current Term: 2019/2020 - 2025/2026
Suite 702 - 141 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5J3
Phone: (613) 237-2144

Master's practicums

CCS welcomes 2-3 master's-level practicum students each year from September to April. Students will conduct individual therapy to clients with a wide array of concerns. Group and assessment experience are not offered at this time. Students are supervised for two hours a week by a Registered Psychologist and get an additional hour a week of supervision from a doctoral intern. For more information, check out the master’s practicum brochure.

Applications for practicum positions (cover letter stating interest and a CV) are due by December 10th of each calendar year. Interviews are completed by mid-January and final decisions are made by January 31st of each year.

To submit your application, or for any questions, please email Dr. Brittany Budzan, R.Psych. at