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French: ________________ 2) Mandarin: ________________ Cantonese: ________________ 4) Other(s): _________________ ________________ What language(s) do you speak at home? _________________________________ Do your parent(s) speak Chinese? % Yes % No If yes, what dialect(s) % Mandarin % Cantonese % Other______ Knowledge of Chinese characters: If you haven t taken Chinese language courses at the U of Alberta, do you know Chinese characters at all? % Yes % No If yes, please     & T ~ ( * , . 0 6 : < > @ ѷѠњњѐњњњњ h)CJhx hxCJ h[CJo(h! h!CJ h'PCJ h{nCJhIhg(| hICJ hg(|CJ h[CJ haCJ hH~CJ h3 CJh[$jhY C<`G$gdL< HWD8^`H @^@`gdNp$a$  " < > )*+*$04<DTV\^bfnrt  "*>bjp ǴǪǪǪ hCCJo( hCCJ h@CJh~ h~CJ h_CJ h_CJo( h CJhH~hH~5CJ\hB 5CJ\h[5CJ\hH~hH~CJ h/CJ h[CJ>*(ZV,-(hgd77 & Fgdrs| & FG$gdF_AgdG$gdL<^gdH~gdC 06\jX\bbBD,-/0AEHIVgs˸IJĬվ|hrs|h@CJhrs|h[CJ hrs|CJ h@CJh[5CJ\h3 5CJ\ hCJ hB CJ hH~CJ hF_ACJ hCJo( h,p CJhI hICJhCh CJ h CJ h@CJ h[CJh~ h~CJ/$LNPTVfjnp*b*d*f*z*|*******+++++߸ߩߩߧߩٛߑϑߋ hbCJhb hICJ h@CJ hIcCJU hUfCJh[5CJ\h3 5CJ\ hSCJhShwhh77 hwhCJ h77CJ h[CJhrs|h[CJhrs|h@CJhrs|hICJ6*2++P,T,V,X,Z,\,^,`,b,d,f,j,l,n,p,r,t,,-.--gdq$a$gd77 estimate your level of using Chinese characters: __________ and ____________ Where did you learn the Chinese characters? % In school % At home Please indicate if you know: % Traditional characters % Simplified characters % Pinyin % Zhuyin (bo po mo fo)   Student Declaration: I have read and understood the screening and placement decision above. Student signature:________________________ Date:__________________________     Department of East Asian Studies Chinese Language Program Student Language Background Questionnaire (March 2015) Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1/2 This questionnaire is to provide background information for the screening and placement for all CHINA language courses. Due to the characteristics of language acquisition, specific information about your background is needed for an accurate assessment of your language ability. Please answer the relevant questions accurately and fully; and write N/A if the question is not applicable to you. The department reserves the right to discontinue anyone from a class should his/her level be found to be higher than what is claimed on this questionnaire. I certify that the information in this form is true and complete in all respects and that I have withheld no information. I understand that misrepresentation, falsification of documents, or withholding of requested information regarding this application are serious offences and may result in prosecution under the University s Code of Student Behavior. Student information is collected under the authority of the Universities Act in accordance with Alberta s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of determining eligibility. For further details, see 23.9 of the University of Alberta Calendar or contact the Department of East Asian Studies, 780-492-2836. Student signature:________________________ Date:__________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY The student is permitted to take: CHINA __________________ The student is NOT permitted to take: ________________________________ Screening officer signature: __________________ Date:_______________ +++ +"+$+0+l+n+r+t+++++++++++ ,",$,&,P,R,T,V,X,^,f,h,l,n,p,r,t,, --,-.-P-ľ䷰zzzrhrF5\o( hM-q5\ hrs|5\ hwh5\ hF_A5\$jhrs|5U\mHnHtHu hH~5\ h3 5\ h)U5\ hB CJ*jhY;ž h)5\h#hF_AhF_A5\o(hF_AhF_A5\hF_AhF_A5>*;$-DM a$gds$-DM a$gds61h2P:p3 . 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