Professionalism in the Workplace (Virtual)

Feb. 20, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online - Zoom

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People form judgments about others in the workplace based on behaviour, attitude, speech, and appearance. The impressions that individuals communicate to others (positive or negative) can help move them ahead professionally, or can slow down their career progress and even create conflict in the workplace. This session will give participants an understanding of the importance of professional behaviour in the workplace and what it involves.

Registration opens two months prior to the session date. We are so glad you are interested in our Organizational Development’s learning curriculum! Please note, our training sessions are oversubscribed. If you are unable to attend a session for which you’ve registered, please cancel your registration when registration is still open to open up a space for a colleague.

Organizational Development
Faculty, Staff
Training, Development
Organizational Development Health and Well-being Workplace wellbeing physical health mental health social health HRHSE