Mission & Vision
Departmental activities are guided by the department's Vision, Mission and Core Values:
Alberta has a well-integrated, primary-care-based health care system in which all have access to a family physician who provides timely, proactive, individualized, comprehensive and continuity care through an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals led by that family physician. That team practices evidence-based, patient-centred care, and uses its own data, dialog with its stakeholders, and published research to continuously improve its service, quality, and safety.
The Department of Family Medicine at the 海角社区 exists to teach the discipline of family medicine for the future of practice, and the needs of society, and to produce scholarly work that improves the practices of family medicine and primary health care.
We will achieve this outcome by developing and demonstrating excellence in:
1. Training residents for team-based, systems-based, socially accountable patient care and leadership,
2. Providing medical students with high-quality education, and serving as role models of academically excellent, quality- and safety-driven, socially accountable generalists, and
3. Conducting and disseminating clinical, educational, epidemiological, and health services research that improves the teaching and practice of family medicine and primary health care.
Core Values
We are a learning organization: we seek constantly to improve how we do what we do for our learners, patients, communities, and other stakeholders, encourage and accept input from them, and use both our data and their feedback to improve.
We support a culture of accountability: our Mission and how we pursue it will be responsive to our stakeholders; we are responsible with resources allocated to us and transparent in how we use them; our choices in teaching and research address the needs of, and are accountable to, the society of which we are a part.
We are committed to mission-focused innovation: we are creative thinkers, producing high-quality academic work that we share freely with others, as well as welcoming what others have to share with us.