Shares & Securities

Donating Securities

Donating appreciated publicly traded securities is a cost-effective way to support the 海角社区. When you give publicly traded securities directly to the University, any capital gain resulting from your donation is not taxed. In comparison, if securities are sold and the proceeds then donated to the University, you would be taxed on the capital gain.

How it Works

Step 1:

Step 2:

Complete the Donation of Securities Form emailed to you and send it to your broker or financial advisor to initiate the transfer. Please note that the university cannot initiate a transfer. If you do not have a broker or financial advisor, send this form directly to your investment firm.

Step 3:

Forward a copy of the completed Donation of Securities Form to:

海角社区, Investments & Treasury
Fax: 780-492-2846

This will ensure a receipt for income tax purposes is issued and funds are allocated to the area of your choice.


Securities are received by the 海角社区 and sold immediately. The net proceeds are used to fund the area of support you have chosen. In accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations and UAlberta policy, a receipt for income tax purposes will be issued using the average of the high and low trading prices of the securities on the day they are received by the university. For year-end tax planning purposes, allow two to three weeks for settlement of all securities.