Information for Administrative ECHA Occupants

How do I book a classroom, seminar room or a lecture theatre?

Classroom spaces, including lecture theatres and seminar rooms, are booked through the ; there is no cost for this.

Where can I put up my event posters?

Bulletin boards have been installed in work rooms, along main street and next to many classrooms. Please use these for posters. Before posting anything in the building, please refer to the Guidelines for posting in ECHA. Easels and cork boards are available for event promotion and way-finding. Please contact the ECHA Shared Administration office for more information. Posters in other areas, taped to walls and glass surfaces, may be removed without notice.

Who orders the paper and other supplies for the photocopy rooms?

The paper for the MFDs (multifunctional devices) is supplied through our joint funding model. We will keep a stock of paper on hand to refill all 海角社区 MFDs. Alberta Health Services devices are not included in this supply. Your occupant group has a designated point person who keeps on eye on supply levels in shared spaces. Your ECHA APO/designated contact can identify your contact for you.

Where can I find the ECHA Welcome guide?

The Welcome information is available here. Note that there is a separate document for those in the Discovery Mall.

Will the doors to levels 3, 4, and 5 be locked? If not, how do we prevent people wandering around our office space?

Like all buildings on campus, ECHA is open during the day. As elsewhere, vigilance is important for all occupants. All work spaces have been equipped with multiple locking cabinets, drawers and overhead bins. Personal and confidential files should be secured when you're away from your desk. Occupants should challenge strangers in their workspace with a polite but firm "can I help you?" For more information on Personal Safety and Security please visit Protective Services.

What can go in the garbage/recycle containers at our desks?

The bins provided in individual work spaces have two pieces. The large blue bin is for paper recycling; this bin will not be emptied by cleaning staff. Please do NOT store important documents in the recycling bin!! We cannot guarantee that cleaning staff will never empty these. The smaller black bin is only for garbage headed to the landfill; this will be emptied by cleaning staff every two weeks. All other garbage including organic waste for composting, plastics, cardboard, beverage containers and light metals should be dropped in the larger bins located throughout ECHA shared spaces. The University's Zero Waste program has been implemented in ECHA. Please refer to the Zero Waste information.

Can I get an extra 'guest' chair for my office?

The standard for office furniture in this building is one extra chair per office. There are numerous small meeting rooms which were designed to provide private meeting space.

Can I rearrange the furniture in my Discovery Mall space, or add pieces no one else is using?

You can rearrange any furniture that was in your designated space when you moved in. Please do NOT take furniture from adjacent spaces, main street, meeting rooms, classrooms or atriums. Furniture allocations were determined and agreed upon by occupant groups. Any furniture you take from someone else's space will be returned to its rightful owner!

It's too hot. It's too cold.

The CSA Standard Z412 Guideline for Office Ergonomics recommends that office temperatures be from 23-26 °C during summer months, and 20-23.5 °C during the winter. These temperature ranges are based on a relative humidity of 50% and are set to accommodate seasonal clothing weights. If your work space has windows, you will have noticed that the blinds can be adjusted to control overheating from the sun. When the sun moves on, please remember to open the blinds to allow natural light through the building.

Can we hang up art or certificates on our office walls?

We know that having personal items in your workspace is important. There are two kinds of walls throughout the space. Most walls are demountable; these are easily identified grey, textured panels. Some offices have drywall on one or more walls - again it is easy to identify the drywall. Demountable walls offer a number of advantages as they will allow us to easily and quickly reconfigure space in the future. This means less lost time for moves, less construction activity in the building when space needs to change and, of course, less mess when walls are removed and replaced. The surfaces do require special care however. The walls are self-healing to some extent: thumbtacks are okay, but nails, screws and anchors are not.

Please note that repairs necessitated by damage to any walls will be charged back to your faculty or department.

Does ECHA have private accommodations for women to breastfeed/express milk?

Yes, please fill out this brief and ECHA administration will contact you with more information.

If you are looking for information not found on this page, please email your question to