Welcome to ECHA

Important information about working in ECHA. Download a printable PDF here.

Welcome to the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy

We're very pleased to welcome you to the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA).

The Edmonton Clinic Health Academy was designed to create, nurture and support the academic collisions, interdisciplinary research and interprofessional team-based education that will enable health care transformation. The building is managed through a shared funding model that involves representation from all occupant groups.

Top 5 ways to find information

  1. Your first point of contact is your ECHA APO
  2. You will find FAQs on the ECHA website
  3. Still haven't found an answer? Send your questions to echa.admin@ualberta.ca
  4. Find us on and 'like' our page to get Facebook messages
  5. Stay in the know with the ECHA News
    The ECHA News is our monthly e-newsletter. This is the best way we can get important information to you. You're welcome to submit articles or event notifications to the newsletter - please see the editorial guidelines. ; click on "join our mailing list" in any issue; or send an email to echa.info@ualberta.ca with 'sign me up' in the subject line!


ECHA uses right-to-light design. Glass walls allow natural light into as many spaces as possible. Light wells and atria funnel natural light into interior areas of the building. Please don't cover windows or glass walls. Lights in enclosed workspaces can, of course, be turned off and on manually. Since all lighting is controlled by motion, or occupancy sensors the lights will go off after prolonged inactivity in any space.

You're going to tell me how to use a light switch?
Well - yes. The 'zone controller' is a three-zone lighting controller that provides "ON/OFF" switching for up to three light zones; these are typically found in meeting rooms. The LED display indicates status - yellow is ON and blue is OFF. Alternately flashing blue and yellow means the schedule is about to time out. Reactivate the zone by pressing the button.

Heat and cooling systems

We can't promise that you will find the temperature perfect at all times. As in all buildings, there are temperature fluctuations.

The temperature in ECHA is set at 22.5C during normal opening hours (7 a.m. - 5 p.m.). Outside opening hours, the building temperatures may be warmer in summer and cooler in winter. Why? Because the heating and cooling systems don't work the same way when the building is close as they do when it's open. This is to conserve energy and reduce costs. All temperature adjustments must be made by Facilities & Operations' Maintenance. Since it can take an hour or more for adjustments to have any impact, it's a good idea to be prepared for occasional ups and downs.

If you have persistent difficulties with temperature levels, please call 780-492-4833. Have your office or work space number on hand! While we all enjoy the sunny skies here in Alberta, feel free to lower blinds if the sun starts to heat things up. A SUN or SNOWFLAKE indicates that the system is already heating or cooling.

Your VOIP telephone

All phones in ECHA use VOIP technology. Online tutorials and other information are available on the .

Making Changes to your space

  • Furniture
    Just need to move it? no disassembly required? Contact Supply Management Services at 780.492.4122 to arrange for services.

    Contact the ECHA Administration office if:
    • you need to take furniture apart to move it. Please DO NOT disassemble furniture as this will void the warranty.
    • you want some new furniture; only approved furniture may be installed in ECHA.
    • You don't want it. Unwanted furniture goes into our surplus storage for others to use.
  • Repairs and maintenance
    Call the Facilities & Operations Helpdesk at 780-492-4833 to report repairs or maintenance requests (e.g. broken door handle or lock, washroom issues, damage to the building).
  • Additional Keys
    Complete the Lock Change Key Requisition and submit it to Facilities & Operations. Contact the ECHA Administration Office for help with key codes/numbering.
  • Name Plate for your space
    Your work space has a name plate holder! Download the template here to create your name card. (Yes - there is room on the template for six names)
  • Hanging items on walls in your space
    Requests to hang or install items require a 海角社区 Work Requisition, submitted to Facilities & Operations Maintenance, 3rd Floor GSB, or via email to mdesk@ualberta.ca. Most of the walls on levels 3, 4 and 5 are demountable. These walls require careful handling; please do not use picture hangers, nails or screws for pictures, framed certificates diplomas etc. 3M Command Brand damage-free hanging hardware may be used on these walls. Damage to the walls caused by nails, screws, hooks, anchors, or any other hangers will be charged to your department or faculty. Thumbtacks or pushpins can be used on fabric covered workstation screens. Magnets are great for metal surfaces and most white boards.


Ergonomic furniture, including chairs and keyboard trays, must be supported by an ergonomic assessment. Information can be found here.

Posters and promotions

Bulletin boards are installed in shared spaces Please use these for posters and promotions. Items tapted to demountable walls, drywall, wood or glass will be removed. Please use damage free, reusable tabs for posters.


Most nutrition nooks are equipped with separate bins for:

  • organic matter (compost. paper towels, and some food containers can go in this bin)
  • beverage containers
  • glass and light metals
  • plastics
  • landfill

Your work space has a blue bin for paper and other recyclables, and a smaller black bin for landfill only. Cleaners should not empty your recycling; please don't use your blue bin to store working documents however, just in case. For more information on how and where to recycle visit the Campus Sustainability website.

Nutrition nooks

Nutrition nooks have fridges and microwaves, sinks and storage spaces. Dish detergent, hand soap and paper towels are provided. These supplies are monitored and refreshed by occupant representatives in each area. Fridges are for short-term food storage only. Microwaves are cleaned every Thursday evening; fridges are emptied and cleaned every four weeks. Please note that all items left in fridges and freezers without exception. Please refer to the schedule found here.

Catered events

You are responsible for cleaning up after catered events. Please do not help yourself to others' catering! But - if you have food to share - by all means let us know. Leave a note with the sharables so there's no doubt about it - these cookies belong to everyone. Leave all shared spaces the way you would like to find them! Clean and tidy!


Like all water in Edmonton, the water in ECHA is perfectly safe to drink right from the tap. If you prefer chilled water, water filters which both chill and heat drinking water can be found throughout the building.


Your shared workroom has a multi-functional device (MFD) that is a printer, scanner, photocopier, and fax machine. If you need a tutorial on how to use these devices, please contact your ECHA APO. Paper and other supplies for 海角社区 MFDs in ECHA copy/work rooms are provided through the joint funding model for ECHA. Supplies are kept in a common storage area; your faculty or department has designated a contact person who is responsible for monitoring and refreshing these supplies and reporting problems with equipment. Supplies and equipment should not be removed from these areas. Please keep these areas neat and tidy.


Confidential shredding bins managed by Merlin can be found in workrooms. Do not overfill these bins. If you need more space please check adjacent work rooms. Desk top printers and shredders are not permitted in ECHA. If you are planning a purge, contact echa.admin@ualberta.ca to request addition shredding bin capacity.

Roof top terraces

On the third floor you will find roof top terraces. These spaces will be accessible when weather permits and it is safe to have them open. Smoking is absolutely not permitted on the terraces at any time.

Booking rooms

Meeting rooms and boardrooms can be booked online by building occupants only. For complete information including guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions go to the ECHA website. Special events are permitted in atria, on patios, and on Main Street. Please use the request form found here. Classrooms, seminar rooms and lecture theatres must be booked through the .

Food and food services

ECHA is pleased to have Starbucks on the main floor. Vending machines are located throughout the building.


ECHA is linked to the Medical Sciences Building via a pedway on level 2 at the North end of the building. The south pedway connects ECHA with the Walter MacKenzie Building to the east, the Kaye Edmonton Clinic to the south and provides access to the LRT platform.

Opening Hours

The public can access administrative levels (Levels 3, 4 and 5) via the main doors off the elevator banks during opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
All other access to these levels is limited to those with approved, secure proximity cards.

ECHA levels L1, 1 and 2 are open to the public as follows:
Monday to Friday: 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Holidays: closed

Lost and found?

There is no lost and found office in ECHA. For high value items (wallets, laptops, cell phones) please contact Protective Services.


To report an emergency or crimes in progress please call 911. 海角社区 Protective Services provides a number of services to the University including emergency response, complaint investigation, accident investigation, lost & found services, general patrol, alarm response, special duty services, information, and advice on safety, security and crime prevention, traffic safety enforcement, and public education services.

海角社区 Protective Services can be contacted by phone at 780 492-5050 or by email at protectiveservices@ualberta.ca. During normal open hours, anyone can access most areas of ECHA. It's important to adopt a 'neighbourhood watch' approach.

Keep your eyes open for people who you don't recognize. Challenge strangers with a polite but firm "Can I help you?" Ask visitors who they are looking for or meeting with. Your workspace has multiple locking drawers and cabinets. Sensitive, confidential and private documents and valuables should be locked out of view when you are not at your desk. After hours, be extra vigilant. Watch out for 'tailgaters', people who follow you through a door you've opened using your access card. Never lend anyone your access card! Never give access to someone you don't know. There are no general student study spaces on levels 3, 4, or 5. Students should use appropriate spaces on L1, 1, and 2.

Working alone?

Please review the information about the Lone Worker Service. Plan to be safe. For more information about security, please visit Protective Services online.