ECHA Administration Office

Important Notice:  The ECHA Administration Office has been shut down.   We are currently working with all ECHA stakeholders on developing interim administrative processes related to access control requests, space requests, meeting room bookings, and other ECHA shared amenities.   We appreciate your patience as we work through this and we apologize for the inconvenience that this causes.

Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA)
3-394, 11405 87 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T: 780.492.0110

ECHA Events

Have an approved event in ECHA that you would like featured on our calendar? 

Transforming health care

The Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) is home to a community of scholars from across the health science faculties working to improve health outcomes for all Canadians. Building on the university's history of excellence in world-class research, education and patient care, faculties and stakeholders work side-by-side, sharing space, ideas and innovations.

At the Health Sciences Education and Research Commons, the focus is on supporting the development and evaluation of team-based learning experiences for all health science faculties. In the Discovery Mall, dedicated interdisciplinary research space allows teams to configure their own environments.


A collaborative, vibrant and supportive learning environment

The Academy is student-focused, offering a new generation of learners the specialized space and simulation technology that will prepare them for 21st-century, team-based health care. The Academy houses simulation labs, specialized and critical care suites and a Standardized Patient Program. Students will graduate able to move into the system quickly, not just working in, but transforming health care, and bringing innovation to communities throughout Canada and beyond.

The 海角社区's Health Sciences Council oversees programming for ECHA. The Council facilitates interdisciplinary learning, discovery and citizenship through leadership and collaboration across all health disciplines. The 海角社区 was the first university in Canada to address interdisciplinary health scholarship through a council of equals. This approach allows faculties to maintain autonomy and develop their unique disciplinary strengths while addressing challenges and opportunities common to all.