Information for UAlberta Staff
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I book a space in ECHA?
Contact the ECHA Administration Office,, for information on booking space on floors 3, 4 & 5.
If you are looking to book classrooms or lecture theatres on floors L1, 1 & 2, please contact central booking here.
NOTE - Bookings can only be made 10 days prior to your requesting date, email for booking questions.
Can I post notices in ECHA?
There are two kind of bulletin boards in ECHA. Small cork boards near the elevators are reserved for use by Facilities & Operations and ECHA Administration. You may post to all other boards following the guidelines found here. Posters that do not meet these guidelines will be removed without notice. Poster may be billed for the cost of removing posters.
Does ECHA have private accommodations for women to breastfeed/express milk?
Yes, please fill out this brief and ECHA administration will contact you with more information.