CHS Community Profile: Katie Burgess

Get to know Katie Burgess, director of the CHS Office of Education.

5 September 2024

Katie BurgessHow do you describe your work to those who don’t work in your field?

I lead a team of staff who provide administrative support to faculties within the College of Health Sciences in the areas of timetabling and course scheduling, academic integrity and discipline, student placement agreements and collection of health and safety documents. As an Office of Education, we work with health science faculties to strengthen and create interdisciplinary learning opportunities for students.

What led you to your current role?

I have a passion for leading teams and for student services. I began my career at the 海角社区 Office of the Registrar as a physical education practicum student, where I advised prospective students daily. I loved helping people navigate their education options. Shortly after, I was hired as a frontline advisor when Student Connect launched in 2012. I found a love for continuous improvement and worked as a team lead for a number of years while completing my master of education. Three years ago, I made the jump to the faculty side of things as the director of student services in Nursing. I enjoyed the challenge of finding ways to better prepare and support our students towards success from applicant to graduate. I am excited to venture into a new opportunity as director in the Office of Education and influence the student experience in new ways. I look forward to building upon the work that has been started at the CHS, and to continue to add value and support to the faculties within the health sciences.

What’s something your co-workers don’t know about you?

I embrace and welcome change. In July, I experienced three major life changes! I married my best friend. My husband and I bought a new home and started renovations. At the end of July, I started this new role with the College of Health Sciences. 2024 has been very exciting thus far and I look forward to settling into new routines in my work and personal life.

How do you navigate challenges?

I look at challenges in life as an opportunity for learning and growth. If you haven’t seen me in person, you may not know that I use a wheelchair. About 10 years ago, I was in an accident that resulted in a spinal cord injury at the C7 level. I spent five months in the hospital. I have a deep appreciation for interdisciplinary health professional teams and the work they do. Needless to say, my accident was life changing and a new challenge to embrace. Adapting to using a chair has been interesting and it’s been an adventure ever since. 

What’s your favourite distraction?

I have to admit I have several. I like travelling and road trips. Last fall I visited some beautiful national and state parks. Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park in Utah are among my favourites. Also, I have a sweet tooth and enjoy a cookie treat on the daily. And of course Pinterest. :)

If you were enrolling in one course, program or degree within the College of Health Sciences right now, what would it be?

Oh! My bachelor's degree is in physical education from 海角社区 (I graduated prior to the change to BKIN). I would love to go back and take some of the new kinesiology courses and see how things have changed and the new topics being explored!