Connected World: A Global Perspective on Historical Interactions

The History, Classics, and Religion Graduate Students’ Association (HCRGSA) is delighted to invite you all to our three-day conference on the theme “Connected World: A Global Perspective on Historical Interactions” featuring over 20 presentations from Feb 27th to March 1st, 2025.

13 February 2025

We are excited about our keynote by Distinguished Professor Sanjay Subrahmanyam on Feb 28 from 2:30-4 pm. Prof. Subrahmanyam is Distinguished Professor of History and Irving & Jean Stone Chair in Social Sciences at UCLA. A specialist of the early modern period (15th-18th centuries), he is the author of numerous books, essays, and edited volumes, ranging between studies of India and the Indian Ocean, the early modern European empires, and reflections on global history as a field of research. At the HCRGSA conference, his talk is titled “Wonder and Disillusion: An Indo-Muslim Traveller in Eighteenth Century Europe”. 

In addition, we will have two roundtable seminars led by three members of our Department. The seminar discussions will help grad students craft strategies to navigate and prepare for the job market: Drs. Timur Mukhamatulin and Stephanie Dennie will speak on “Here’s What to Expect: Navigating Career Prospects After Grad School”; and Dr. Craig Harvey will speak on “Fitting the Role: How to Craft the Perfect CV”.

This event will be in hybrid mode. Please email us at to receive the Zoom link for any of these events. More info about these events will also be posted on our website shortly: 

We hope to welcome many of you to our conference!