Indoor Air Quality Concerns
Air quality concerns are usually linked to contaminants, such as mould, dust or organic vapours, or comfort parameters, such as temperature and humidity.
Review information related to common indoor air quality concerns and strategies below, or use the to determine next steps.
To inquire about or report on any of the issues below, please contact Building Services at 780-492-4833. If you have health concerns related to any of the issues below, contact HSE.
Temperature + Relative Humidity
Dry conditions in the workplace can produce symptoms such as dry skin or eyes, and temperatures that are too hot or cold can produce discomfort.
The Government of Alberta recommends an indoor relative humidity of between 20% to 60%, depending on the time of year, and an average temperature of approximately 22°C.
Where there is water intrusion, there may be mould. Mould thrives on damp porous surfaces, such as drywall and cardboard, and may cause symptoms such as wheezing, sneezing and itchy eyes.
Diesel Exhaust
Building occupants often notice odours from diesel exhaust if a car is idling near an entryway or air intake.
Short-term exposure to diesel exhaust emissions may cause headache, nausea, eye and respiratory irritation. These effects generally clear up when exposure ceases.
Scents in the Workplace
While not an issue for some, scents in the workplace can be mildly irritating or even debilitating to some employees. Review the roles and responsibilities below to contribute to a workplace that is respectful of scent sensitivities.
- Inform your supervisor and coworkers of your sensitivities.
- Communicate respectfully and work collaboratively to find a solution.
- Choose scent-free products where possible.
- Listen respectfully, be considerate and work collaboratively to find a solution.
- Actively encourage a scent-free workplace (e.g., choose scent-free cleaning products, personally use scent-free products and describe the benefits of a scent-free workplace at staff meetings).
- Listen respectfully and without judgment to concerns about scent sensitivities.
- Seek information to clarify the issue (e.g., triggers, symptoms or suggested ways to mitigate).
- Coordinate a solution that meets the needs of all involved.
- Check in with employees periodically to ensure that the solution is satisfactory.