Change in support staff performance and probationary review process

29 April 2020

We have moved the support staff performance and probationary review notifications and forms online to accommodate working remotely. Previously, notifications and pre-populated forms were distributed to departments by campus mail.

We have worked with IST to create notifications for upcoming reviews on the manager dashboard in PeopleSoft HCM, similar to expected end dates. The review forms have been added to the HRS Forms Cabinet as fillable PDF documents.

Beginning in May, you will be able to complete the support staff performance and probationary review processes as follows:

  1. You will be notified of an upcoming review on the manager dashboard in PeopleSoft HCM
  2. Download the or form from the HRS Forms Cabinet.
  3. Complete the form as instructed. Information required to complete the forms can be found under the Probation, Tenure & Performance Review report and the Remuneration report. These reports capture all the information for employees in a department who have performance or probationary reviews in a specific period of time.

Please with any questions related to performance or probationary reviews.