Vacation and vacation carryforward during pandemic
30 April 2020
Encourage your staff to take their outstanding vacation leave. Although social distancing and travel restrictions mean that employees may have to change upcoming vacation plans, collective agreement provisions and university policies related to accrual, use, and carryforward of vacation continue to apply.
Carryforward requests and approvals must be granted before the end of the vacation year (June 30 for academic staff and MAPS)
- For support staff, please see the Managing Staff Vacation Procedure for additional information about managing excessive vacation.
- Management and Professional Staff (MAPS) can carryforward up to five days of vacation time. Excess time can be carried forward with written consent of the dean or vice-presidents.
- For Administrative Professional Officers (APOs), Temporary Librarian and Professional Staff (TLAPS) and Trust/Research Academic Staff (TRAS), vacation carry-over must get the pre-approval of the vice-president (APO/TLAPS) or the appointing officer (TRAS). See the collective agreement for more details.
- Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) in Career Status and T12 status appointments can carryforward vacation only after they have the dean’s consent.
- Other categories of employees do not have vacation carryforward.
For assistance, reach out to your .