February 2022 Lunch and Learn Bulletin

Each month Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment offer a number of one hour sessions devoted to the dimensions of health and well-being. This month, we will focus on workplace relationships and work/life balance, as well as understanding both grief and stigma.

All sessions will run from 12–1 p.m. unless noted otherwise and will be delivered online. Register through the LearnCentre by clicking register and then using the “enroll” button on the top right. New to LearnCentre? and scroll down to view this event under available sessions.

Re-Establishing Respectful Workplace Relationships

Cecile Schultz, EFAP
Thursday, February 3

Creating a respectful, and by extension, psychologically healthy and safe workplace is everyone’s responsibility. With work environments being in a state of flux following the pandemic, this workshop will raise awareness around what respectful behaviour looks like, promote the adoption of a professional attitude, and assist with the development of effective communication skills – all of which serves to meet the underlying goal of creating and maintaining a psychologically safe workplace in view of changing environments.

Understanding Grief and Loss

Ronaye Coulson, EFAP
Wednesday, February 9

Grief is a natural response to loss. Unique to each individual, grief is a process that everyone is bound to face at some point in our lives. To promote the healing process, this session will help participants understand this difficult process and emphasize healthy ways to cope with loss.

Establishing Work/Life Harmony

Glen Matadeen, EFAP
Tuesday, February 15

Many of us feel overwhelmed by competing work and family demands. This session will help participants identify their key work/life stressors, clarify their values, and develop skills and strategies to effectively prioritize their time and energy.

Beyond Stigma: Increasing our Understanding of Mental Health in the Workplace

Olivia Morson, EFAP
Tuesday, February 22

In today’s society, there remains a lack of awareness, and sometimes bias, regarding mental health problems. This wellness session will assist participants in enhancing their understanding of the personal and environmental factors that can have an impact on mental health, the common signs and symptoms of mental health troubles, and the most appropriate prevention and intervention strategies.

 For information about the Lunch & Learn program, contact our office at workplace.wellbeing@ualberta.ca.