May 2022 Lunch & Learn Bulletin
Each month Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment offer a number of one hour sessions devoted to the dimensions of health and well-being. This month, we will continue to focus on ourselves with an examination of our vision health, an exploration into self-care and a dive into our spiritual health; as well as some practical strategies to navigate the changes that have become a part of our lives.
All sessions will run from 12–1 p.m. unless noted otherwise and will be delivered online. Register through the LearnCentre by clicking register and then using the “enroll” button on the top right. New to LearnCentre? and scroll down to view this event under available sessions.
Navigating Change: Practical Strategies to Make Change Work for You
Glen Matadeen, EFAP
Tuesday, May 3
Change is constant. While we have always known this to be true, the last 20+ months have proven this beyond any doubt. We have lived through a pandemic, and in doing so, through all of the changes that it has brought personally, socially and professionally. This session adopts a solutions-focused lens and explores different change management styles to assist participants in finding a way to navigate change that suits them best.
Spirituality & Faith We All Share: Creating Space & Time for Spiritual Health
Rick Mast, Interfaith Chaplains' Association
Thursday, May 12
We all have faith, to some degree, in a variety of areas in our lives. The COVID-19 pandemic may have shaken this faith and may have some of us grappling to reconcile this against our own belief system, our mental health and our connection to others. Chaplains offer relational connection by unobtrusively engaging with people in everyday life, particularly those in need of support with time, attention and a non-judgmental listening ear. But what is the connection between knowing and believing, between knowledge and faith? How, under the lights of scientific method and evidence-based proclivities, can "faith" hold space within academia?
Your Eyes and Overall Health in these Digital Times
Dr. Cory Larson, Alberta Association of Optometrists
Wednesday, May 18
Your optometrist is checking so much more than your vision at your annual eye exam. Learn what they are looking for inside the eye, what early signs of serious medical conditions can be spotted and how you can maintain your eye health by eating certain foods and regular exercise. Also explore the impacts of screen time on your eyes, along with what you and your family can do to protect your vision and eye health. Come and find out how to maintain your eye health throughout your life. It’s never too early to start!
Self-Care Strategies: Helpful Now and Always
Glen Matadeen, EFAP
Wednesday, May 25
We often hear people say “take care of yourself.” What does this really mean? The COVID-19 pandemic brought unique challenges over the last two years and while the re-opening of the world certainly brings hope, there continues to be challenges, stress and uncertainty during this time. In the face of this period of change and transition, it is even more important for us to practice self-care. This session will increase participants’ understanding of self-care and highlight the factors that can promote and preserve their health and well-being – now and always. Participants will gain practical tools and resources to activate their own personal self-care practice.
For information about the Lunch & Learn program, contact our office at