June 2022 Lunch & Learn Bulletin

Each month Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment offers a number of one hour sessions devoted to the dimensions of health and well-being. In June, we will explore mental health with a serious look at men's suicide prevention and then a focus on relaxation strategies; as well as personal financial health with estate planning.

All sessions will run from 12–1 p.m. unless noted otherwise and will be delivered online. Register through the LearnCentre by clicking register and then using the “enroll” button on the top right. New to LearnCentre? and scroll down to view this event under available sessions.

Buddy Up: Men's Suicide Prevention

Akash Asif, Centre for Suicide Prevention
Wednesday, June 1

June is Buddy Up Month! In Canada, men have a suicide rate three times higher than women. Why? We have socialized men to be strong, stoic and self-reliant; showing emotion is a sign of weakness, as is asking for help. Men are dying in alarming numbers, all around us. How can we change this reality? Everyone has a role in preventing suicide. Buddy Up is a campaign promoting authentic conversations and teaching how to support a buddy if they're struggling with thoughts about suicide. 

The Art of Relaxation

Glen Matadeen, EFAP
Thursday, June 9

Today’s life is fast-paced and leaves little time to relax and decompress. Greater pressure is being put on all of us to do more. The result is that many of us have lost the ability to simply take care of ourselves. This session will explore personal stress triggers and review some practical, easy techniques to make brief relaxation moments a natural part of everyday life.

Estate Planning

Ron Graham, EFAP
Hybrid - Enrol in either In-Person session OR Virtual session
Wednesday, June 22

Creating a thoughtfully organized estate plan can support you in accomplishing life goals and set your mind at ease. Throughout this session participants will gain a better understanding of what defines estate planning. Special consideration will be given to the risks, insurance and documents associated with the estate planning process.


 For information about the Lunch & Learn program, contact our office at workplace.wellbeing@ualberta.ca.