What to Bring

Packing your luggage seems pretty simple, but there are some important things to remember as you prepare for your trip.

Check Airline Luggage Regulations

As travel costs increase, airlines generally implement stricter weight restrictions and smaller luggage allowances.

Purchase Travel Health Insurance (Optional)

Travel health insurance can cover the gap in coverage between when you leave your home country and enroll for coverage in Canada.

Canada Customs Regulations

Become familiar with Canada's customs regulations. The Canadian government will allow you to bring a fair amount of clothing, books, and other items for your personal use. However, only limited amounts of items such as tobacco and alcohol are allowed.

You can find detailed information from the Canadian visa office in your home country or through the .

Get Ready for Winter

Edmonton's winter temperatures average from -7 to -20 degrees Celsius and sometimes colder, so it is important to have appropriate clothing. Remember that Canada has central heating, so it is unnecessary to wear heavy clothing indoors. See Weather in Edmonton for more tips.

Buy When You Arrive

We recommend buying bedding, furniture, and household goods once you arrive, as it is generally much easier than having these things shipped. Once in Edmonton, stop by the International Services Centre for tips on where to shop for household items.