Family Histories & Genealogy
Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives & Library
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Individual Family Histories & Collections Published Family Histories in Our Library How to Collect Your Family History Resources How to Donate Your History to the BMUFAWelcome! The Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives (BMUFA) contains a wealth of research material on various family histories. Most of these histories are contained either within primary documents as well as published books. This finding aid will provide researchers and families with potential starting points into the stories of those families that crossed the Atlantic and settled in Canada. The research material can be broken down into two categories: primary sources and published histories.
For the primary sources, these will be contained within the BMUFA's archival holdings, accessible through the online catalogue. This finding aid will provide brief descriptions of many of the families found within the catalogue, but should not be taken as a conclusive list. The catalogue will contain fonds and collections from families that have donated material to the archives. This finding aid will provide a brief description of some of the families as well as links to their materials. As with most materials in the catalogue, please contact the BMUFA to view the physical materials.
The published histories will present the histories of these families that were collected through primary research, recollections, or interviews. The books provide excellent narrative overviews of those families as well as insights from their authors. This finding aid provides a list of books related to family histories as well as some limited information on those books. To see any of the books, or if there are any questions about the books, please contact the BMUFA.
Please contact the Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives to make an appointment.