The Global Climate Change Week (Oct 19-25) "is a new initiative designed to encourage academics in all disciplines and countries to engage with their students and communities on climate change action and solutions" in preparation for the forthcoming negotiations on climate change and carbon emissions in Paris at the end of the year. The 海角社区 Network for Sustainability has joined this global initiative with a public panel that will take place on Thursday October 22nd, 2015.
This event will showcase the diverse range of climate-change related research occurring across disciplines at university and is supported by the 3-year Kule Cluster project on Intersections of Sustainability. The event will be emceed by Cluster lead Dr. Makere Stewart-Harawira (Educational Policy Studies).
Dr. Laurie Adkin: Climate Change Policy as an Adjunct to Petro-Capitalism: The Case of Alberta
Dr.Cameron Jefferies: Litigating Limits: Recourse to the Courts & an Impending Rights Revolution?
Dr. Greg Goss and Dr. Monireh Faramarzi: Predicting Alberta's Water Future (PAWF)
When: October 22nd, 2015, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM.
Where: ***Please note new venue is Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) 1-490***
Please RSVP at
For more information on the Global Climate Change Week visit: