A photo of a flied of white snowdrop flowers

Mainstage Music at the Winspear

Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610

Luminous Voices & Rosa Barocca
Timothy Shantz | conductor
October 19, 2024 | 7:30pm

Winspear Centre
4 Sir Winston Churchill Square | Corner of 99 St. & 102 Ave., Edmonton, AB

The 海角社区 Department of Music presents Monteverdi’s rarely performed 1610 Vespero della Beata Vergine. The Winspear will be reverberating in this unforgettable performance by  of Calgary joined together with  and specialized instrumentalists from across the continent. Considered groundbreaking and a masterpiece of the early Baroque, Monteverdi's Vespers includes virtuosic vocal and instrumental writing and ornamentation in combination with opulent antiphonal choruses and intimate solos, duets and trios.

Pre-Concert Talk

Join 海角社区 Department of Music Professor Fabio Morabito for a Pre-Concert Talk from 6:45-7:15 p.m.


This concert is made possible in part with support from the Kilburn Memorial Concert Endowment.