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A proposal template for MainStage and ensemble concerts will be circulated in late November or early December (the year before the season begins) for concert requests. A preliminary schedule will then be drawn up and presented for feedback in December. Edits will be made in January and a draft schedule will be circulated for approval. Submissions after the December planning meeting will not be considered for MainStage or ensemble concerts. Please note the Winspear first hold dates will be available and requests taken for Winspear concerts in January, however the final series cannot be determined until the ESO schedule has been confirmed by the Winspear. Any additional concert or event date to those outlined below must be submitted to our APO for approval no later than April 1 prior to the academic year in which the concert/event is to occur. After that date, approval must be sought from the Chair through a written request explaining the nature of the concert and rationale for why it should be added. The department and Fine Arts Communications Team will do our best to promote these concerts or events, but timely information and budget constraints will be considered. Please see the 揂dd-on Concert Guidelines� for details. MainStage Proposals Maximum number of concerts: Maximum budget: ~$1500 per concert for faculty concerts (subject to change); ensemble concerts should use area allocations Planning Guidelines: Faculty concerts are to ideally occur in Sept and Oct, Jan and Feb only (in order to avoid the severe time crunch needed for ensembles and student recitals) Representation across instrumental areas and faculty members (this may mean that not everyone performs every year [ie rotation of faculty members] and/or that faculty members share concerts) Planning Schedule: Overall concert/event schedule is overseen by our APO; therefore all requests should be directed to that person Planning meeting for the following academic year to occur in December (preferably week after classes end; separate meeting from ensemble meeting, but possibly same day) People to be present at meeting should include: all full-time performance area instructors, APO, Recording Technician, departmental person responsible for inputting booking information In advance of meeting, guidelines mentioned above should be sent to each full-time performance area instructor (or Applied/Performance Area Coordinator for dissemination), with a request that each person interested in performing come to meeting with 3 choices of potential concert dates and a list of artists with whom they plan to perform (where applicable). After the December meeting, each artist is to submit their concert title (the theme or descriptor or main repertoire, not necessarily all repertoire) to our APO by the end of term in order to allow sufficient time for the FA Arts Communications team to plan/create promotional material. Ensemble Concerts Maximum number of concerts: 2 per ensemble over the academic year; concerts beyond that number may be considered if dates are possible and/or available Planning Schedule: Planning meeting for following academic year to occur in December (preferably week after classes end; separate meeting from MACH meeting, but possibly same day People to be present at meeting should include: all ensemble directors, composition area, APO, Recording Technician, departmental person responsible for inputting booking information In advance of meeting, template of information required for meeting (see below) should be sent to each ensemble director, with a request that each person come to the meeting with 3 choices of potential concert dates for each term (1 date of which will be selected for each term) Information required for meeting: Date of Concert Time of Concert Date of Dress Rehearsal Time of Dress Rehearsal Revised December 2018 �����1 ;  : @ i � � � � � � � � � ) = �  � � � �   ')*8<皲谕涿涿渫溱涠枚诂煻涠掍掍蛼趻卽抔脪g�h髈|h髈|6丱JQJaJh髈|h髈|5�>*OJQJaJh68�5�>*OJQJaJh髈|h髈|OJQJaJh髈|h55�OJQJaJhL2lOJQJaJh髈|hL2lOJQJaJh68�OJQJaJh髈|haFOJQJaJh55�OJQJaJh髈|hI�OJQJaJh髈|h髈|5丱JQJaJ&��  k l � � � � � �  *���_2�Km����������������������������  & F凩�`凩�<>BOdw�������^_2��+JKLlm ������+DFWY�����箝箝箝芪荛荛芸芸芪芸荛埃芸芸荛芸軗芪荛芪軉皢w�h55�h髈|EH�OJQJaJh55�h髈|OJQJaJh髈|h髈|5�>*OJQJaJh髈|h55�OJQJaJh55�h55�EH�OJQJaJh髈|h髈|EH�OJQJaJh髈|h髈|6丱JQJaJh髈|h髈|OJQJaJh68�OJQJaJh髈|h▁/OJQJaJ.m������&EFY����� $=>?@V����������������������  & F凩�`凩�gd55�  & F凩�`凩�����>@STUV皲皲檀湸�5hX/zh髈|B*OJPJQJ_HaJmHnHph�tH/h5,�B*OJPJQJ_HaJmHnHph�tH/h68�B*OJPJQJ_HaJmHnHph�tH/hX/zB*OJPJQJ_HaJmHnHph�tHh髈|h髈|OJQJaJh髈|h髈|EH�OJQJaJ (靶/ 班=!皡"皡#悈$悈%�靶癭 愋^     2���� 0@P`p€�����2(�� 0@P`p€����� 0@P`p€����� 0@P`p€����� 0@P`p€����� 0@P`p€����� 0@P`p€�8X�V~_HmH nH sH tH @`�@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA ��D Default Paragraph Fontdi��d  Table Normal.a��4�4�l4�4�l (k ��(No List R䁖��R Body A)B*CJOJPJQJ_HmH phsH tH PK!檗�[Content_Types].xml瑧薔�0E鱄鼉�-J湶@%閭菐洽|廊�$韶钵UL襎B� l,�3鳛;鉹�得槣B+$�G]ミ7O侪V墎$�┇最� !)O赹齬虲$駓@摪磔�/瓂H*�橊劥�)戅祶鬟粖譛Db俙}"譹蹕擩讞枻肵^�)I`n蘀�紛p)�杵li筕[]�1M<斷绒彥O蠵擊6r�=瘔抸纆b營g吜u崘S賓b嘱€O缽嗕掘肦罝郢櫉反qu 痝嫎Z岸串o~俸lAp發x妏T0�+[}`j纂鹾絲A�帮儲V�2虵蒳朄鰍瀡分�5\|夻蕼汰Nвle瞂�ds趈cs倭惻7琊嵨f坊赅 肉W琊�+唻7爤唁`�陲g� 葮稠J�雷j|唫h(�驞-姷咩� dX�﹊J曝�(钼x$(� �:隶;渌�!� I_蠺到S 1w犍鳢�?E��?勉?ZB为m渼錟/魁煜��?瀪篁�誼Y�'奎鼀5襣&螊/燑鲮蓩�>籊餗丟e鴲艱�眢3Vq%'#q��域娡$�8翚K秊�敉)f檞9:牡�澹 x}r�x墘�渨⒇顁�:\TZaG�*檡8I耲鎎R祈c|X呕�强絀 u3KG駈D1�NIB襰鼆� 眍R曦u楘侹>V�.EL+M2�#'歠嫸i ~橵� l硔u8z�篐� �*�鏄�:�(W�鈽� ~J攘T鴈\O*餿HG絸HY垫�}KN吡P�*菥甩眿�T鸭�9/#辐A7聁Z��$*c?��韖U咤n嗚w�N蝴%幓O�穒鑸4 =3炯N�績)cbJ u�4峦(Tn酸� 7斒_?異鹠-贈皗U逄鰤B�w�襷消╪湐鞘�"Z x娬J躗氺p;嫇熟 劐辿/�<�P;檸,)''K蠶踜5棝騫邛苝N喦8疜軬b耬摨� 鸖撡d洯\17 阷鮝�>ОSR!�枒 3晠K4'+�r蘻Q TT3I辈琉疘vt]K芻猥渤K#趘�5+D�眽厍鄜獱O@%\w槉燺鄋N[跮古9K候崢临q桃g錠炆n R!儁+�篣蕁�;�*&�/H時�蟃邀 �>��>\ 宼Υ=.T摹 �觖S; Z鄜�!ㄠ傏�銹��9gi槾咰ぺ�!�# B鰻,欒;匵=刍,I�2UW�9$l╧嗒捋=Aj挄�;顊朅79鍇s*Y摈�;浱爺[嘙C撣�県f华]o栫{oY=1k�yV骋V惺隐5E8鏥k+譁扑蚛8疴计0X4D)�!!��?*|f縱� u洒《"鴛A谸T_矋��帬q矁6�4)k诂u襐�7� 顃 �'尛%;嬁蟟膦9s�9箈懫�,熵趲-45x鰀娐�8?�菢蟙�/Y|t�� &LIL饾J`琛& �-G硉�/��PK! 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