Undergraduate FAQ

1. What are the general hours of the Administration and Student Services Offices?

The Administration Office (3-98) and Student Services Office (3-146) are open Monday–Friday (closed on stat holidays): September 1 – April 30, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm; and May 1 – August 31, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Offices are closed from 12:00–1:00 pm.

2. Where do I find contact information for my professor?

Our Faculty and Staff page lists both the biographical and contact information of each professor.

3. How do I get access to practice rooms?

Practice room keys can be arranged through the receptionist in the Music Office. Please see the Practice Rooms page for details on your eligibility to receive keys.

4. How do I rent a locker?

Please contact the Music Students' Association. Note that locker rentals are $40 for the year, and $20 for the summer.

5. Where do I sign up for ensembles?

The majority of ensembles post their sign-up sheets outside of the FAB 1-13 prior to the first week of classes, however please consult the Ensemble Audition Information page for specific details.

6. How do I rent an instrument?

Instruments are available for rent by music students only. Please note that a $75 fee per instrument per term will apply. Rented instruments must be returned at the end of classes or when juries are complete. If you are enrolled in techniques classes requiring the use of several instruments, the $75 fee per term will apply with the understanding you will exchange one instrument for another as the class requires. Students are responsible for the replacement of lost or stolen instruments.

7. Who do I contact about participating in Monday Noon Music?

Monday Noon Music is a free concert series which takes place every second Monday at noon in Convocation Hall. If you are interested in performing in this series, please contact your undergraduate advisor and/or studio instructor directly.

8. Where do I find information about scholarships and awards?

Please see the Financial Aid & Awards page for details.

9. Where do I get my ONECard? How do I get my ONECard encoded?

To get a new ONECard, please visit the office in HUB mall. ONECard encoding occurs in September and January. Students will receive an e-mail notification to the ualberta e-mail account. You must encode your ONECard in order to access FAB after regular hours. Please note: only NEW cards must be encoded. Returning students only need to have their cards encoded a second time if their card has been replaced due to damage or loss.

10. How do I book a recital?

Please stop in to the Music Office and speak with the receptionist to book your recital. Please have the following details prepared before coming to the office:

  • The date and time of the performance
  • The program repertoire and the names of any other musicians
  • Payment for any required fees
  • A signed juried recital form (must be signed by the student, instructor and area coordinator)

Please consult the Recital page for complete details.

11. I need to add or drop a course. How do I do that?

You can add or drop most courses on Beartracks. However, if it requires consent of the Department, please come into the Music General Office to see your program advisor.

PLEASE NOTE: All Undergraduate Students must carry 24 credits of course weight unless otherwise approved by both the Department of Music and the Faculty of Arts. Please speak to our undergraduate coordinator if you have questions.

12. Beartracks won't let me register for my course. It shows that there are spots available and I know I meet the requirements for the course OR Beartracks is showing me I need to have Consent of the Department to take a specific course. How I gain "Consent of the Department"?

Some courses are blocked to guarantee sufficient space for certain kinds of students. Please speak with Undergraduate Advisor to help you gain access to these courses.