Illustrations by Rémy Simard

Just For Fun

Registration Woes

Ah, registration. Get alumni together and eventually the conversation will turn to their experiences signing up for classes. We asked you to share your memories.

By You

August 01, 2018 •

I still have my last year's phone-in and schedule page pinned to the back of the bedroom door of my youth. I moved out almost 25 years ago but my parents have kept it there until today!

-Leanna Buzak, '94 BEd, '08 MEd

My family finally got tone dial (upgrade from pulse) thanks to my impatient mother and the automated course system. She got tired of having to go to the one Touch-Tone phone we had, call in, then switch the phone to tone mode in order to register courses. She finally marched down to the Telus store (maybe it was still EdTel at the time) to pay the $2 per month. As a recent convert to modems and BBS systems, I was ecstatic. Thanks, º£½ÇÉçÇø!

-Chris Neuman, '99 BCom

I remember it! Running between buildings to get the course paper approved by the departments.

-Daniel Ma, '76 BSc

I always felt that, if I could survive the registration process, the degree itself should be no problem!

-Jerry Iwanus, '83 BA(Spec), '86 MA

Well, it was a bit of a headache but what I wouldn't do to relive those days. Oh, to be 18 again.

-Shauna Heinrichs, '00 BA, '09 BEd

Early days of Touch-Tone course selection. We only had a rotary phone; I had to go three blocks to the local pay phone. The biggest issue was making sure you had everything you needed and juggling it all in the booth.

-Elaine Nixon, '95 BA

An entire day standing in horrendously long lineups in the Butterdome, criss-crossing campus carrying my two-inch-thick course guide to get signatures to affirm registration, then doing it all over again because I had to switch out one course for another. Years later: logs into BearTracks, selects master's courses, done. What's not to like?

-Laurie Folliott, '88 BEd, '12 MEd

Oh, I do remember: the lines were great social times. Met a lot of people!

-Charlene Pratt, '80 BSc(HEc)

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