Financial Support

A limited number of scholarships are available to academically excellent students. The specific names and details of each scholarship are outlined on the GPS Recruitment Scholarship page.

All graduate students are welcome to apply for a Graduate Assistantship position (Teaching or Research). Qualifications and relevant training and experience for the teaching and research duties are the primary selection criteria used to evaluate applications. Financial need and immigration status may be considered but will not be used in place of the primary selection criteria. (Graduate Student Assistantship Collective Agreement)

Typically, these assistantships occur in the Fall and/or Winter term and are governed by an agreement between the University and the Graduate Students' Association which provides guidelines for remuneration and hours of work. Graduate Assistantships serve as an apprenticeship for further academic or professional careers. More information is available on the GPS Assistantship page.

In addition to Graduate Assistantships, a variety of graduate fellowships, scholarships and bursaries are available to full-time graduate students. These are listed on the GPS Awards & Funding page.

If students are interested in obtaining funds in relation to research, please review the Research Funding page.

The application deadlines vary; please refer to the above mentioned websites for necessary information. If you have questions, please contact an advisor through your .