Augustana Indigenous Speaker Series

10 November 2021

Reflections on "Uncovered: Truths About Indian Residential Schools"

When: November 23, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm
Format: Online

Join us on November 23 as the four experts highlighted in this web series come together for a panel discussion: Crystal Fraser, Kisha Supernant, Matthew Wildcat and Sharla Peltier.

This series explores the current work being done to locate missing children, how the impacts and trauma of residential schools continue to this day and how we move forward for resurgent Indigenous futures in the lands known as Canada.

You are encouraged to watch each of the episodes in the web series before attending this event. You can view them, and learn more about the “Uncovered” series here: /prairie-indigenous-archaeology/uncoveredwebseries/index.html