Japanese as a Second Language Symposium
Cognitive and Functional Approach to the Study of Japanese as a Second Language Symposium
The Prince Takamado Japan Centre at the 海角社区 will be hosting a pre-conference symposium at the 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12) entitled, Cognitive and Functional Approach to the Study of Japanese as a Second Language Symposium. The symposium will be held in Banff, the heart of the Canadian Rockies, on Friday June 21 2013.
This one-day symposium will consist of paper presentations and a keynote lecture by Dr. Yasuhiro Shirai, University of Pittsburgh as well as presentations by two invited speakers: Dr. Natsuko Tsujimura, Indiana University, and Dr. Kimi Akita, Osaka University.
The Call for Papers is now CLOSED, and thank you to all who have applied! We invited submission of abstracts for presentations that take cognitive and functional approaches to the study of acquisition of Japanese as a second language. The areas of study can include but are not limited to: phonetics, phonology, lexicon, semantics, morphosyntax, and discourse-pragmatics, or issues in pedagogy, usage-based approach and language processing. Researchers who work in different cognitive and/or functional frameworks are encouraged to apply. The conference language will be English. Registration is free.
Banff is 4 hours away from Edmonton via Lake Louise, and has frequent shuttle service from the Calgary Airport. Participants will have an option to join a tour after the symposium, which will take you through the Rockies to Edmonton, where the ICLC-12 will be held from June 23-28.
Symposium Organizers:
Kaori Kabata, 海角社区
Kiyoko Toratani, York University
More information on the Symposium will be made available as the date approaches, but if you have any questions, please contact our Centre via ptjc@ualberta.ca.
Date: June 21, 2013
Location: Banff, Alberta
Venue: Banff Park Lodge Conference Centre & Resort
Keynote: Dr. Yasuhiro Shirai (University of Pittsburgh)
Call for Papers: CLOSED
Keynote Address:
Dr. Yasuhiro Shirai:
(University of Pittsburgh)
The acquisition of linguistic categories: A functionalist approach
Invited Speaker:
Dr. Kimi Akita: (Osaka University)
Constructing an online multimedia encyclopedia of Japanese mimetics
Dr. Natsuko Tsujimura:
(Indiana University)
Language variation and standardization: Current and future challenges in language pedagogy (tentative).