Strategic Plan 2022-2027
With an eye to the rapidly evolving public health landscape, the School of Public Health (SPH) will expand upon its existing activities and programs while pursuing new opportunities to reimagine and transform public health education, research, and practice. Our commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and indigeneity is at the core of all we do.
Firmly grounded in our foundational commitment to improving population health by advancing research, educating tomorrow’s public leaders and creating partnerships, the School is looking ahead to take on urgent and complex health challenges, improve health equity, and optimize health outcomes for all.
Igniting boundless solutions for a flourishing tomorrow.
Stewardship: We are transparent and accountable for our decisions and use our resources wisely.
Teamwork and Partnerships: We value teamwork and collaboration, which contribute to our efforts to achieve personal and shared goals. We are committed to broad partnerships and interdisciplinary inquiry as essential to address public health issues.
Excellence: We are committed to excellence in all our endeavours.
Engagement: We value opportunities to engage internally and with the public, communities and decision-makers to advance public health practice and policy.
Respect: Our relationships are based on mutual respect and personal trustworthiness and are strengthened by open communication. We value diversity and inclusiveness and the opportunity to promote the health of students, faculty and staff in a supportive working environment.
Our world needs more public health professionals and even more excellence in public health education, research and collaborations. We need to build on our distinctive approach to creating and sustaining a vibrant culture of scholarship and service. For us to thrive, we must commit to the course of action described in our refreshed strategic plan. And we will need to do it together.

"Towards a Healthier More Inclusive World" focuses on:
- Education
- Research
- People, Culture, and Organization