Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine's own awarded Canada Research Chairs

We're very proud to announce that Michele Crites-Battie and Greg Kawchuk were both successful in the competition to renew their Canada Research Chairs (CRC). Renewing these Chair positions was f

29 September 2009

We're very proud to announce that Michele Crites-Battie and Greg Kawchuk were both successful in the competition to renew their Canada Research Chairs (CRC). Renewing these Chair positions was far from automatic. Both Michele and Greg were required to submit application packages which were rigorously evaluated. They came through with flying colours.

With regard to Michele's Tier 1 CRC in Common Spinal Disorders, one reviewer noted, "Dr. Battie's research and reputation has made the 海角社区 a major player in the field of spinal research" and further commented "Dr. Battie's activities in the spinal area are extraordinary". Her substantial international stature has been earned with work that is described as original, at the forefront, and innovative. High praise, indeed!

Greg's application to renew his Tier 2 CRC in Spinal Function also received rave reviews. One reviewer commented, "One could easily argue that he has already achieved the status of a world calibre researcher who is a leader in his field" and another noted that his research plans to "link structural and mechanical damage to functional deficiencies with some degree of accuracy and precision" would be a "phenomenal" contribution.

We're very fortunate to have two such impressive researchers in our midst. Please join me in congratulating them on their achievements.

Joanne Volden, Ph.D., S-LP (C), R. SLP
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research