The Rehabilitation Robotics Lab's Cognitive Projections group has developed a number of easy-to-use virtual reality learning experiences available to the public-and they're all just a click away.
Using a smart phone, users can get a look into a virtual world, examining a number of different 3D objects and scenes relating to a particular topic.
"Through their smart phones, viewers can create an immersive experience without having to use all of the traditional virtual reality equipment," says Nathanial Maeda, postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and a member of the Cognitive Projections team.
The viewer is easy to transport, making for a convenient learning tool that can be used on-the-go.
There are several apps created by the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab that are currently available in the Google and Apple app stores: , , , and . The apps are free and can be easily downloaded to use in conjunction with the Cognitive Projections VR viewer or a Google Cardboard.