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before subject signed consent __________________________ ____________ ________ Signature Date TimeSteps taken as part of informed consent process: q ___________ study was discussed thoroughly with subject q Subject was allowed time to ask questions q All questions were answered q The ICF/HIPAA were read and reviewed q Subject stated understanding q Subject signed ICF/HIPAA q Subject was given copies ICF/HIPAA and my contact information in case of further questions q No procedures performed before subject signed consent __________________________ ____________ ________ Signature Date TimeSteps taken as part of informed consent process: q ___________ study was discussed thoroughly with subject q Subject was allowed time to ask questions q All questions were answered q The ICF/HIPAA were read and reviewed q Subject stated understanding q Subject signed ICF/HIPAA q Subject was given copies ICF/HIPAA and my contact information in case of further questions q No procedures performed before subject signed consent __________________________ ____________ ________ Signature Date TimeSteps taken as part of informed consent process: q ___________ study was discussed thoroughly with subject q Subject was allowed time to ask questions q All questions were answered q The ICF/HIPAA were read and reviewed q Subject stated understanding q Subject signed ICF/HIPAA q Subject was given copies ICF/HIPAA and my contact information in case of further questions q No procedures performed before subject signed consent __________________________ ____________ ________ Signature Date TimeSteps taken as part of informed consent process: q ___________ study was discussed thoroughly with subject q Subject was allowed time to ask questions q All questions were answered  z 8r0Fh*R,-01J569:B>???#}3><CJOJQJ^JaJU h}h}CJOJQJ^JaJ h}h}CJOJQJ^JaJb. j , V z | R 4rb8$If]^gd}Z&b$NrtJ$If]^gd}`kd$$If4Fq-    4 af4yt},jZ0RZ`kd|$$If4Fq-    4 af4yt}$If]^gd}FjlBN***|++R,-$If]^gd}q The ICF/HIPAA were read and 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Subject stated understanding q Subject signed ICF/HIPAA q Subject was given copies ICF/HIPAA and my contact information in case of further questions q No procedures performed before subject signed consent __________________________ ____________ ________ Signature Date TimeSteps taken as part of informed consent process: q ___________ study was discussed thoroughly with subject q Subject was allowed time to ask questions q All questions were answered q The ICF/HIPAA were read and reviewed q Subject stated understanding q Subject signed ICF/HIPAA q Subject was given copies ICF/HIPAA and my contact information in case of further questions q No procedures performed before subject signed consent __________________________ ____________ ________ Signature Date TimeSteps taken as part of informed consent process: q ___________ study was discussed thoroughly with subject q Subject was allowed time to ask questions q All questions were answered q The ICF/HIPAA were read and reviewed q Subject 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