ࡱ> UWT{ bjbjBrBr 7R  Ht,,|||8$O$X||",, |,8|d-O%?R0O l  |ZdO  :  Instructions: This log is used to document all contacts outside of screening, baseline, and follow-up visits for one study participant or individuals specified on that participants locator form. List one contact per row. Use the codes provided at the bottom of this log to complete the required information. All contacts related to participant safety (and any other contact requiring additional documentation) should be described in more detail in a progress note. Reference the progress note in the Comments box, e.g., See Progress Note on 11/01/08. Date and TimeStaff InitialsContact ReasonContact Type (specify number/e-mail address used)Contact Result Comments      This template was provided by CTN Best Practices and is available at ctnbestpractices.org. Contact Reason:Contact Result:1: Visit Reminder (Select purpose below)2: Check-in with participant (Select purpose below)1: Connected with participant1A: Screening2A: After provision of initial rapid result(s)2: Left message with person1B: Enrollment2B: After provision of confirmatory result3: Left message Other (Specify)1C: Baseline ACASI2C: Verify follow-through on referrals provided4: No answer1D: Randomization/ Intervention3: Follow-up on no-show to scheduled visit5: Non-working contact type1E: 1-Mo Visit4: Participant-initiated (Specify reason in Comments)6: Other (Specify in Comments)1F: To receive confirmatory test result5: Other (Specify in Comments)1G: 6-Mo Visit Page ___ of ___ PARTICIPANT CONTACT LOG Site Name: ___________________________ Participant Name: ___________________________ 6s  / 0 5 9 = > L M [ \ xj_jQjQjQhfhla$5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^JhfhxkB5OJQJ^J hla$h|h5CJOJQJ^JaJh15CJOJQJ^JaJ#ho h15CJOJQJ^JaJ#ho h|5CJOJQJ^JaJ&ho h|5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ h5>*CJOJQJ^JaJhla$hdhvL0jhUmHnHu/ 0 > M \ i FfP e $Ifgdf$ e$Ifa$gdlR e$Ifgdf0^0gd1\ h j z {        c Է񞷚thhCJOJQJaJhXjhXU hla$hlRhla$hlRhfh|5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jhfhla$5OJQJ^Jh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hlRhlR5CJOJQJ^JaJhlR5OJQJ^JhfhxkB5OJQJ^J+ 6))) e$Ifgdfkdm$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la )kd0$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la e$Ifgdf e$Ifgdf 6))) e$Ifgdfkd$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la )kd$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la e$Ifgdf e$Ifgdf 6))) e$Ifgdfkdy$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la )kd<$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la e$Ifgdf e$Ifgdf 6))) e$Ifgdfkd$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la )kd$$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la e$Ifgdf e$Ifgdf 6))) e$Ifgdfkd $$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la )kdH $$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la e$Ifgdf e$Ifgdf 6))) e$Ifgdfkd $$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la )kd $$Ifl ֈ0p 2@6V t0p5644 la e$Ifgdf      e f v w $IfgdlR $IfgdZz$If$a$gd gdlRc d e f v w   ] ^ r s !2349<@CDEFѷ········wgc_hXhlRh0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$hcKhlR0JCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ hcKhlRCJOJQJ^JaJhlRCJOJQJ^JaJhlRhlRCJaJhlRhlRCJOJQJaJhlRhlR5CJOJQJaJhnhhCJOJQJaJhfnCJOJQJaJ  qkbb $IfgdlR$Ifkd $$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la   A ] qkbb $IfgdlR$Ifkd $$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la] ^ m qkbb $IfgdlR$Ifkd $$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la qkbb $IfgdlR$Ifkd $$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la + V r qkbb $IfgdlR$Ifkdu$$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 lar s qkbb $IfgdlR$Ifkd$$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la  qh_h $IfgdlR $IfgdZzkdg$$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la !012qh_h $IfgdlR $IfgdZzkd$$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la234DEF^_qldlbRRRb$-DM a$gd$a$gd32~gdcKkdY$$IflF0 2 t0p56    44 la F^_fg hla$hlRhXh(h&hCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH %h5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +h&h5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 'h&h5CJOJQJ^JmH sH 'h&h5CJ OJQJ^JmH sH   gdlR51h0:plR= /!"#$% N$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t<0p565@565V555ap<kd$$Iflֈ0p 2@6V  t<0p5644 lap<$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555a$$If!vh#v@#v6#vV#v#v#v:V l  t0p565@565V555aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565aw$$If!vh#v:V l t0p565a^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4@4 . 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