Sociology Undergraduate Student Association
The Sociology Undergraduate Student Association (SUSA) exists to promote sociology, which encompasses criminology, demography, cultural studies, and social theory, to the university community. Our members foster an inclusive student community that promotes diversity and freedom of thought. We raise the profile of sociology as a critical area of study and research and organize events that foster and promote enthusiasm for sociology among undergraduate students. SUSA helps undergraduate sociology students with academic inquiries and encourages inclusive interaction, discussion, and community building. SUSA connects members to volunteer and Community Service Learning (CSL) opportunities related to sociology, serves as a vehicle for mentorship among the sociology student body, and encourages engagement with the academic and local community. Visit our to find out more.
Connect with us via social media to stay up to date on current events and opportunities:
Twitter: susa_ualberta
Instagram: susa_ualberta
Or join our email list by emailing:
Want to get published? Consider submitting your work to . They accept pieces written for class or individual study; anything that presents scholarly research from a sociological perspective. Sociology is a broad and overlapping field, so related submissions from other disciplines will be accepted. Email questions to