The 海角社区 is a charter member of the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System™ (STARS®), a voluntary self-reporting framework for higher education. Reporting with STARS helps the university:
- Track and report on our sustainability performance.
- Facilitate information sharing about our sustainability practices.
- Implement common measurements to meaningfully assess changes.
- Strive for continuous improvement in performance.
- Celebrate the achievements of our campus community.
- Strengthen our culture of campus sustainability.
STARS 2020 Report
Our was certified in October 2020 and lasts for three years. Some highlights include:
- 45 per cent of faculty are engaged in sustainable research, including healthcare.
- Over 10 per cent of courses include sustainability issues, challenges and concepts.
- Water consumption dropped 18 per cent per capita from 2006–19.
- 84 per cent of construction and renovation waste is diverted from landfill.
- Annual greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 50,000 tCO2e from 2013–19.
- Solar energy capacity increased to 635 kW
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan released in 2019.
- Received Fair Trade Campus designation in 2018.
It Takes a Village
Many leaders across the university have made STARS reporting possible with their support and contributions:
- Aidan Rowe
- Alexandra Rocca
- Amber Basarab
- Ana Medrano Chavez
- Anastasia Lim
- Andras Marosi
- Andrew Cooper
- Angela Bayduza
- Anthony Yeung
- Behn Jang
- Ben Louie
- Bernadette Martin
- Bill Shaughnessy
- Breanne Ferris
- Brenda Briggs
- Brendan Woychuk
- Brett Buchanan
- Caitlin McLeod
- Camila Zambrano Narvaez
- Carolyn Smolley
- Catherine Swindlehurst
- Cen Huang
- Chris Blades
- Christie McDermott
- Christie Schultz
- Connie Cymbaluk
- Cory Hodgson
- Cynthia Munro
- Dan Wilm
- Danielle Scott
- David Peacock
- David Robson
- Dayna Wallington
- Deanne L. Williamson
- Debby Topinka
- Delphi Kozmeniuk
- Devin Smith
- Dianne Tapp
- Dolores March
- Edward Bork
- Em Matheson
- Emily Stien
- Eric Kother
- Evelyn Hamdon
- Fatima Mirza
- Fervone Goings
- Fiona Halbert
- Frank Robinson
- Gavin Palmer
- Geoff Rode
- Gerry McCune
- Gordon Weighell
- Greg Hodgson
- Gunnar Viberg
- Idara Effiom
- Helen Starodub
- Hilary Edison
- James Allen
- James Willis
- Janice Johnson
- Jasmine Farahbakhsh
- Jason Yuzyk
- Jaymie Heilman
- Jillian Pratt
- Jim Laverty
- John Younk
- Josh Connauton
- Julaine Herst
- Juste Kagisye
- Karen Lee
- Katharine Moore
- Katherine Huising
- Kathleen Brough
- Kathryn Evans
- Kathryn Merrell
- Kazim Hussain
- Keith Hollands
- Kenneth Lord
- Kenneth Willis
- Kim Lo
- Kimberly Uniat
- Kris Urbanczyk
- Kristin LaGrange
- Kurt Klask
- Lara McClelland
- Laurel Roblin
- Lauren Baril
- Leah Vanderjagt
- Lilas Bielopotocky
- Linda Fitzpatrick
- Logan Mardhani-Bayne
- Lois Dvorsky
- Lorraine Huntley
- Macey Edem Nortey
- Maja Osmanagic
- Marianne Meijer
- Marie-Eve Morin
- Marion Haggarty-France
- Marj Cayford
- Masoud Ardakani
- Michael Yarymowich
- Michaela Mann
- Michelle Hauer
- Michelle Kim
- Michelle Meagher
- Mike Kohlenberg
- Mike Versteege
- Murray Brice
- Nada Baali
- Nathalie Kermoal
- Nicole Roy
- Prachi Mishra
- Randa Kachkar
- Reshma Sirajee
- Rob Pawliuk
- Robert Summers
- Ron Ritter
- Samer Adeeb
- Sandra Shores
- Sara McKeon
- Sarah Flower
- Sarah Meins
- Sarah Pelletier
- Shannon Leblanc
- Sheena Wilson
- Sherry Hickman
- Shilpi Gupta
- Shirley Ross
- Sobia Samad
- Stephen Johnston
- Steve Reid
- Suzanne Butler
- Tam Connelly
- Terry Nonay
- Terry Sperling
- Thomas Hidson
- Trevor Chow-Fraser
- Victor Shewchuk
- Wayne Patterson
- Zaher Hashisho