Emese Ilyefalvi
Emese Ilyefalvi
Emese Ilyefalvi, PhD Candidate, Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Folklore, Comparative and Hungarian Folkloristics Doctoral Program, Budapest, Hungary
I graduated at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) as a Folklorist and Ethnographer (2013) and as an Expert in Religious Studies (2014). In 2013 I started the Comparative and Hungarian Folkloristics Doctoral Program at the same university. In my dissertation I examine early modern Hungarian witch trials and other collections of verbal magic from the 15th century to the 20th century. The main focus of my research is to understand different verbal interactions, especially the usage of verbal magic from a computational folkloristic approach.
From 2013 to 2018 I worked as a Junior Research Fellow in the "East-West" ERC Research Project led by Éva Pócs ( ). Within the framework of this project I published a new Hungarian charm collection from written sources in 2014: Ráolvasások. Gyűjtemény a történeti forrásokból (1488-1850).[Charms. Collection from the Historical Sources (1488-1850]. Currently I am working on the English edition of the Hungarian charm collection together with Éva Pócs.
I am deeply engaged with Digital Humanities. In 2015 I attended the Folklore Fellows Summer School ('Doing Folkloristics in the Digital Age') in Seili and started to make an online digital database for Hungarian charms and incantations. Related to these topics I published several articles in Hungarian and international journals (Ethnographia, Replika, Incantatio, Acta Ethnographica Hungarica). In 2017 I was a visiting scholar for 3 months in Vienna (Collegium Hungaricum Wien), in 2018 for 5 months in Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam, Religious Studies).
From 2013 on, I gave lectures and seminars related to my research at Eötvös Loránd University and University of Pécs and I organized interdisciplinary research camps for students (Ba/Ma/PhD) to explore the past and present of a Hungarian village (Chidea) in Transylvania, Romania.
E-mail: ilyefalv@ualberta.caTelephone: 780-492-6095
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Canada T6G 2E6