Cole Caljouw

BA in WGS and Philosophy (2010), JD (2015, University of Victoria)
Family Lawyer
Bio: Cole attended the 海角社区 from 2005 - 2010 and graduated with distinction with a degree in Women's Studies and Philosophy. In 2011, Cole was accepted into the University of Victoria's Faculty of Law, and he graduated in 2015 with a Juris Doctor degree. Cole is currently an associate lawyer at Martha D. Metzner Law Corporation in Langley, B.C., where he practices mainly in the area of family law and dedicates a portion of my practice to legal aid work and volunteering with access probono. As a transman, mother of two and step-father of two, it is an understatement to say that Women's Studies changed Cole's life. He notes that the degree in Women's Studies set him up for professional success and "still informs every facet of what I do and the type of lawyer I aspire to be."