Nicole Ritchie

BA in WST and History of Art (2012), MA (Toronto)
Research Associate with Museum Queeries
Bio: Nicole Ritchie graduated in 2012 with a major in Women’s Studies and minor in the History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture. Since then, she completed a Master of Museum Studies (2015) in collaboration with Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto and a PhD in Social and Political Thought (2021) at York University. Ritchie’s work is published in a special issue of Somatechnics on “Sexuality in Canada” and a special issue of Psychoanalysis, Culture, & Society on “Trauma and Repair in the Museum”. Currently, Ritchie works as a Research Associate with Museum Queeries, a research cluster within the Thinking Through the Museum (TTTM) Research Network and housed at the Centre for Research in Cultural Studies (CRiCS) at the University of Winnipeg. In the 2021/22 academic year, she is also teaching in the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture at Brock University.
The Women’s and Gender Studies program at the 海角社区 played a pivotal role in the politicization of her lived experience and overall understanding of the world. She is passionate about the program's importance and the critical lenses it provides for living contemporarily. To this day, Ritchie carries the knowledge and connections from this period forward across her research, teaching, and relational pursuits.