Asian Heritage Month
Asian Heritage Month

Honouring Asian Heritage Month

Each May, we celebrate Asian Heritage Month and the work of 海角社区 faculty, researchers, and instructors as well as students who are demonstrating leadership in creating a world that is more equitable and inclusive — that uplifts the whole community, in all of its diversity.

Officially recognized following the efforts of Senator Vivienne Poy, the month serves as a time to collectively recognize the contributions and diverse stories of all those Canadians who can trace their roots back to East Asia, Southern Asia, Western, Central and Southeast Asia. It’s a time to listen, engage, and learn.

We invite you to join in the celebration and explore the diversity of Asian experiences by checking out the university's collections, stories, histories, and resources.

See the president's message honouring Asian Heritage Month »

Honorer le mois du patrimoine asiatique

Chaque mois de mai, nous célébrons le Mois du patrimoine asiatique et le travail du corps professoral, des équipes de recherche et d’instruction de l'Université de l'Alberta, ainsi que des membres de la communauté étudiante qui démontrent un leadership dans la création d'un monde plus équitable et inclusif - ce qui élève la communauté entière, dans toute sa diversité.

Officiellement établi à la suite des efforts de la sénatrice Vivienne Poy, ce mois sert à reconnaître collectivement les contributions et les histoires diverses de tous ces Canadiens et de toutes ces Canadiennes qui peuvent retracer leurs racines en Asie de l'Est, en Asie du Sud, en Asie occidentale, centrale et du Sud-Est. Il s’agit d’un moment d’écoute, d'engagement et d’apprentissage.

Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à la célébration et à explorer la diversité des expériences asiatiques en consultant les collections, les récits, les histoires et les ressources de l'université.

Dragon imagery from Echoes of Thunder exhibition
Dragon imagery from Echoes of Thunder exhibition

Echoes of Thunder: Unveiling the Mythical Chinese Dragon

Feb. 24 - June 22 | 海角社区 Museums Gallery A

In Chinese culture, the dragon is a mythical shapeshifter whose most common form is a composite of various animals. Using select objects from the Mactaggart Art Collection, Echoes of Thunder: Unveiling the Mythical Chinese Dragon aims to illustrate the origin of the Chinese dragon and its importance and significance in Chinese culture.

Learn more

Aga Khan garden at night

Asian Heritage at U of A's Botanical Garden

Visit the U of A’s Botanical Garden and you will see a beautiful manifestation and celebration of those ties in the Aga Khan Garden’s traditional Islamic Garden design, as well as the Kurimoto Japanese Garden, named after Dr. Yuichi Kurimoto, who in 1930 became the U of A’s first graduate of Japanese descent.

Featured Stories


Peonies in Bloom

In this exhibition you will find textiles and paintings decorated with peony blossoms—from the Qing Imperial Court to the commercial textile industry.

East Asian Studies Department

The Department of East Asian Studies at the 海角社区 offers degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate level in Chinese, Korean and Japanese language, linguistics, and literature. As one of the leading university departments in Canada devoted solely to the study of East Asia, we provide our students with a valuable opportunity to build a solid foundation for a career involving this exciting and economically vigorous part of the world.