Moving Through Conflict

On 11 May 2024, the 海角社区 called on the Edmonton Police Service to remove a protest encampment that was extending dialogue and demanding action on the subject of Palestine. These actions and the communications that followed, alongside anti-Palestinian racism and the global silencing around Gaza, have undermined trust across the university community. These actions have also punctuated pre-existing ruptures for those experiencing anti-Muslim, anti-Jewish, anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism as well as antisemitism and Islamophobia.

“Moving through Conflict” draws on mutual aid principles to offer lateral (rather than hierarchical) acts of caring for community members while we work to change the systemic causes of these harms and inequities. It offers 6 Pathways, each seeking to meaningfully address a specific systemic issue underlying the harm and rupture. These paths embrace strategies of collective care, conflict resolution, increased transparency and transformative action. The pathways are not mutually exclusive and support one another in intent, action and outcome. They include micro-mutual aid project grants, processes of transparency and accountability, and collectively working towards more equity-oriented practices, guidelines, policies and resources around safety, policing, communications and freedom of expression.

Pathways Forward

Holding Harm, Grief, Imagination + Stories

Aim: Support collective practices for holding harm and grief while encouraging diverse University communities to share their stories, learnings, imaginations and strategies towards mutual flourishing. Launch Micro-mutual aid project grants in July 2024 to offer avenues to support this collective work.

Transparency + Accountability

Aim: Prioritize transparency in establishing trust and accountability (i.e., arms-length investigation). Initiate restorative approaches that address the impact of institutional decisions as well as our responsibility to broader scholarly communities (i.e., supporting displaced Palestinian scholars).

Principles of Responsible Investment

Aim: Disclose university’s endowment pool (UEP) investments and ensure investment decisions align with University Funds Investment Policy and responsible investment principles. Engage investment expertise and consult on outcomes.

Safety + Policing

Aim: Review or develop clear, transparent and accountable guidelines around the use of surveillance, police and determination of threat in times of protest and beyond. Multiply alternative pathways beyond security and police.

Freedom of Expression

Aim: Clarify and defend the different rights, responsibilities and limitations (collective agreements, laws, etc.) of 海角社区’s diverse community members. Expand understanding of and capacity for respectful dissent.

Communications in Times of Conflict

Aim: Develop transparent guidelines for official 海角社区 communications about conflicts both within and beyond the University. Align these guidelines with principles around 海角社区’s role in times of crisis, conflict and harm.

Each of these pathways will be built out and deepened over the months to come.

To contribute or learn more contact the Office of the Vice-Provost (Access, Community and Belonging) at