Lesson 6 - A Modern Indian?



Amiskwaciy Academy Amiskwaciy Academy is a grade 7 - 12 school and part of the Edmonton Public School system. The school emphasis students emergence and familiarity with Aboriginal issues, cultures and traditions. ()
Community-based education Community-based education is premised on the belief that education feed into the wider community. This occurs through programs and lessons that work in tandem with the communities that they happen in. ()
Lamson & Hubbard Lamson & Hubbard Canadian Company Ltd. was a fur trading company established in Edmonton in 1918 which traded in the MacKenzie and Athabasca districts. The operation was originally founded in Boston in 1882 and was one of the biggest fur trading companies in the U.S. ( | The Canadian Fur Trade in the Industrial Age - A.J. Ray pg. 103)
League of Nations The League of Nations was founded following the Paris Peace Conference in 1920 and was based in Geneva, Switzerland. The intergovernmental organization aimed to maintain global peace, however, the League was reorganized as the United Nations following the Second World War. ()
North American Indian Brotherhood The North American Indian Brotherhood (NAIB) was established in 1945 (although some sources say 1948) by Andrew Paull, a Squamish leader. Similar to the aims of the League of Indians of Canada, the NAIB also attempted to garner nation wide support and form a unified Indigenous voice. Unfortunately, NAIB did not gain any nation-wide support and their efforts were consistently often thwarted by oppressive and subversive government actions. ( | Handbook of North American Indians: Northwest coast - pg. 167)
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada is a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the lives of Inuit women across Canada. Through education, research and various programs the organization is mandated to "foster a greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, and to encourage their participation in community, regional and national concerns in relation to social, cultural and economic development." ()
Revillon Frères Revillon Frères was a French fur and merchandise company founded in France in 1723. In 1899, the company opened a warehouse in Edmonton and expanded into the Canadian north in direct competition to the HBC. ( | The Canadian Fur Trade in the Industrial Age - A.J. Ray pg. 92)
The League of Indians of Canada The League of Indians of Canada was founded in 1919 by Fred Loft, a returning soldier from WWI. Along with other Indigenous veterans, Loft recognized that they were not being treated equally to their non-Indigenous counterparts. The federal government, specifically the Department of Indian Affairs, noticed that the League would provide Indigenous people with a unified voice of dissent against colonial policies and consequently ignored much of their pleas. Regardless, the League is acknowledged as the first national Aboriginal organization in Canada. ( | )
Traditional economies Traditional economies, or subsistence based economies are social formations that operate on principles of reciprocity whereby production is created for use value more so than exchange value. Additionally, in a traditional economy much of the production is tied to culturally held spiritual beliefs.
Wage based labor Wage based labour is the socioeconomic relation between a worker selling labour value to an employer in exchange of a monetary payment. ()